Thursday, October 31, 2019
Compare and Contrast piaget's and kohlberg theories of moral Essay
Compare and Contrast piaget's and kohlberg theories of moral develpment. Which seems more relevent to the study of adolesecnts why - Essay Example Both believed that moral education could be enhanced through formal education and through cooperative decision-making and problem solving situations at school. Piaget focused on the moral lives of children and believed that all development emerges form action. Morality results from social interaction. Piaget observed children of different ages while playing marbles and reached several conclusions. In another instance, he presented situations to children and asked them to suggest who should be punished. This test further confirmed that younger children looked at consequences while the older ones concentrated on the intent. According to Piaget, in the first stage, upto the age of five, children do not understand morals or rules but Kohlberg asserted that individuals at this stage focus on the direct consequences that their actions will have for themselves. They are guided by punishment or rewards and have their own interest at hand. Kohlberg explained in the second stage, children seek approval of others and they respond to the obligations of duty. Piaget believed that the second stage which lasts upto the age of nine is called moral realism. Here the children follow rules because they are there. The importance is on the wrong act itself and the consequences, and not on the intentions of the doer. Piaget’s theory of the moral relativity stage starts at the age of seven and overlaps with the moral realism stage (Everything2, 2002). The children develop their own internal rules depending upon convenience and not rely on external rules. They start evaluating actions based on intentions. Kohlberg’s contention was that most adults do not reach the last stage (Barger, 2000). Nevertheless, they do demonstrate genuine interest in the welfare of others. Those who experienced this stage did exhibit respect for universal principles and followed their own conscience also. Kohlberg was
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The impact of technology on society(electrification(electricity)) Research Paper
The impact of technology on society(electrification(electricity)) - Research Paper Example Since the evolution of electricity is a complex phenomenon, its makeover is done by various personalities at various span of time at different stages. If we look at who identified electricity in an elaborate way, then the credit can be given to Benjamin Franklin who recognized electricity by flying kite on the occasion of lightning. It was in 1752, June 15th that Benjamin Franklin propagated that lightning is the pure form of electricity. He founded through experiment that electricity could pass through metals and this gave way to the great discovery of many electrical appliances and gadgets. 2.1.1 The Phenomenon of Electricity Surprisingly, the electricity as a scientific phenomenon did not gain recognition until the last quarter of eighteenth century. The early civilization to probe in to the discovery of electricity was the Greek personalities. The word electricity itself is connected to the Greek word â€Å"Elektron†or amber as rubbing of amber with cloth produced electri city. The electricity which was once a frightening element of nature, changed in to the most beneficial gift of nature as man discovered its immense potentiality and usability in his daily life. Electricity being a secondary form of energy source is obtained by converting primary sources of energies like coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear power and other natural sources. The electricity consists of electrons which are tiny particles of energy and are the smallest unit of energy. These electrons which are energy particle, when passed through metals like copper and iron aids in use of electricity in electrical appliances. However the production and supply of electricity is the most perplexing procedure and capital intensive program, which the industrial sector has ever experienced. The electricity is produced in extensive power plants with the help of huge turning turbines. Here the turbines are turned with the help of steam produced by coal. However, if electricity is produced by water then the rushing of water moves the turbine. The voltage of electricity is increase with the help of transformers which is later passed to the electrical equipments for use. 2.2 The status of pre- electricity period. 2.2.1 Quality of life The quality of life before the invention of electricity was considerably dull and dark. The period prior to the last quarter of 18th century was a duration of strive and struggle due to the absence of electricity. The life during those times was murky and was entirely depended on the dim light of the candle. Unlike 21st century, the age before electricity was limited in luxury and amenities. People were not in a position to take maximum benefit of natural resources and had to struggle hard to conduct their daily life. Moreover, the night life of people were less exciting because as the night fell, people resorted to their homes keeping in mind their personal security and safety. During those times, people depended on bee wax, cow dung and animal fa t to illuminate their houses and other personal and public spaces. 2.2.2. Performing task Before the invention of electricity, all the house hold chores and productive works were outcome of manual labor. People like poets and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Adoption of New Media in 1990s
Adoption of New Media in 1990s Interviews with chosen age groups about their media experience during the period of adoption of new media in 1990s Referring to the origins of the radical changes in the development of the media and the social and political life of the country as a whole, related to the transition of the reform of the Soviet system, it should be noted that the transition of Russian journalism was met with sincere understanding and sympathy. Creative people could not help but sympathize with the atmosphere of free thought, pluralism of opinions, rarely available in obtaining political information all that accompanied the first steps of restructuring. It is a system of political and ideological control by the state, a crisis of supreme power and crisis bottom came to the fore and determined all the decisive change of life media. No major shifts in the economy and, above all, political reform, the growth of political freedom in society affects the early years of establishment and development of a new printing system. It must be noted that the press itself has a strong impact on the overall government policy. In the period from 1985 to 1990 journalism with almost no legislative base tried to implement the information revolution. Changes in the relations between the state and the media in this situation were inevitable. On the one hand, the media have become much less manageable. At the same time long before August 1991 Soviet periodicals were divided into two main groups, depending on the publications related to the Communist Party as the leading force of the state. Being Support to the party and the government, communist press was provided (The Truth, Glasnost and the local party newspaper). Democratic press (Arguments and Facts, News, Spark, Komsomolskaya Pravda), on the contrary , formally criticized the authorities. State influence in the media remained significant. Back in June 1990, it was decided to establish All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. In May 1991, Russian television aired. After the victory of Yeltsin in the elections this course was pronounced with even more importance. Ultimately, it led to the creation of a fundamentally new system of media. First of all, the Russian government has taken positive steps to establish control over the most influential electronic media. In particular, it is already August 21, 1991 Russian President Boris Yeltsin issued a decree On mass media in the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Decree of the All-Union Television and Radio Company (Radio and Television of the USSR) was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Government of Russia. Following this, began the process of transferring to the Russian authorities in the submission of information agencies. In September 1991, on the basis of the information agency News (IAN) and the Russian Information Agency (RIA) was created by Russian Information Agency News. Presidential Decree of 22 August 1991 RIA News was transferred to the Ministry of Press and Information. In 1993, RIA News has become public information and analytical agency. TASS (Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union) became the Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS) in January 1992, after the collapse of the USSR . To a large extent the attention of society and journalists themselves at this time was focused on general political issues, to the confrontation of different political forces. Given the fact that in the period under review, the media played a crucial role in politics, providing a huge impact on the public consciousness, it must be emphasized that for its part, the authorities have deepened the schism media on political grounds. The political face of the press is determined depending on the ratio of the government and President Yeltsin. In 1992à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ â‚ ¬1993 years the Russian leadership was divided into two opposing center of power à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ â‚ ¬ executive and legislative, soon on this topic has been allocated four groups press. à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ â‚ ¬ The first government media (Russian news), the second à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ â‚ ¬ press organs of the Supreme Council (Russian newspaper), the third à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ â‚ ¬ democratic press (most independent from government agencies editions of the News), which are of varying severity, but supported the action government à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ â‚ ¬ fourth patriotic press (Soviet Russia), sharply criticized the regime of the president and the government. Media in this situation are in the role of one of the main prizes. In the context of liberalization of public life in the 1990s is clearly a trend of rapid growth in the number of newspapers and magazines. According to the Ministry of Press and Information in 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed in 3353 Russia came out of the magazine and newspaper 4863. In 1996, there were 27,000 registered. It is clear that the number of registered newspapers and magazines are not equal to the number actually coming editions. But even accepting this amendment, it is safe to say that in five years the total number of periodicals rose, at least two or three times. However, circulation was falling. It should be noted that the basis of a collapse of circulation, were several reasons. The first of them à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ â‚ ¬ long economic crisis, lower the material standard of many millions of Russians and the associated decline in fact à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ â‚ ¬ reader demand for print periodicals. In addition, the crisis has worsened the financial and economic situation of newspapers and magazines. Sharply risen in price Printing, Paper has risen, the cost of postal services for delivery of publications to readers has grown several times. Despite the significant drop in circulation, newspapers and magazines continue to play an important role in the lives of Russians. Periodicals read nearly 99% of the population. The emergence of a large number of new publications contributed to the emergence in the late XX century qualitatively different technologies for their manufacture and production. Globalization occurred satellite networks transmit information. New technology allowed the media are hundreds and thousands of kilometers from the epicenter of events connected to him, to be immediately aware of them in the central and crucial details. During these years, there were created the relatively inexpensive technical capabilities, which made process of making paper much faster and cheaper. The computer technology developed quickly and at a high level imposed the newspapers and magazines. The offset printing improved with its ability to produce multi-color and multi-edition. All this was not in the majority of Russian editions and printers even at the end of the 1980s. There are several examples of journalists from the different generations and their thoughts on trends in the development of modern journalism in general. Genrikh Borovik writer, playwright, journalist, a prominent public figure, political scientist, one of the most prominent figures of modern Russia. When he was asked about whether or not you think that the time of international journalism goes, he replied: No. There are incompetent journalists, they were before, that just chasing sensation, lie or so sharply adhere to certain positions that do not take any arguments that would be contrary to their position. It is harmful. But we have a lot of journalists who are well versed in the situation in the world. The second example, Alex Pimanov Russian journalist, producer, director, television presenter and politician. In an interview, he said that the problem is that we, unfortunately, further and further away from professional journalism. Come to journalism immediate, sensational. Very quickly get into the trend, falling into some information flow, in some trendy, lets call it so. There is, unfortunately, a lot of people who are going to make a career at all costs, and in our area too. They are hungry for fame and struggle, provoke, go on some things on the verge of falling, especially without thinking about the consequences. For example, I always teach their journalists that before you say something, look before you leap and think about it. It is time. And second, never out with everything you know, until the very end. I do not believe that if someone somewhere once posted something revelatory, it immediately attacked. It does not happen. It is clear also that this is some kind of a long story. And if you ask the young man that what is the media for him in general, the answer is clear Internet. Now all young people haven’t read any newspapers and the magazines are leafed of it beautiful pictures. As Internet, even if you take more concrete, the social network has replaced all other media. We can get any information only by activating our Facebook or twitter page. So, at the beginning of the 1990s, that is still in the period of the Soviet Union, the new system starts to develop the Russian media. Signs it is clearly read in a variety of forms. With countless new media, radio stations, TV channels of diverse content and sense à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ â‚ ¬ entertainment, advertising and so on. Along with the print media developed broadcasting. New historical conditions of life of the Russian Federation has become an important factor in the formation of a new type of mass journalism. It was necessary to determine the place that was to take the press in a democratic society approves. The process, which began in the early 1990s, has led to some changes in the social structure of the press, television, radio and more meaningful understanding of needs of the audience, promote new forms and methods of media. Change and social, spiritual, and professional guidelines of journalism.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
The growing relevance of Chemical Engineering in today’s world, from energy & oil industries to pharmaceuticals & biotechnology, and a keen desire for applying this knowledge in interrelated spheres motivates me to pursue a Master’s degree in this field. My interest in science goes back to the time when I was in school. We had a young and enthusiastic teacher who took us on field trips and visits to science fairs and museums. This nascent interest has only burgeoned through my years in school and high school, as I have learnt more about the subject. In the long run, I see myself as a part of a leading research group, either as a faculty member or in the R&D department of an organisation contributing my bit to the field of Chemical Engineering. As a research scientist, I hope to make a difference in this field and learn more through the innovative challenges. My father, being a chemical engineer, inspired in me an innate desire to be a chemical engineer myself. I appeared for the All India Engineering Entrance Exam (AIEEE) and was placed in the top 1% of the 1,100,000 students who had taken the exam. I chose Chemical Engineering as my undergraduate major at Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur which provided me the opportunity to explore the breadth of chemical engineering. While the core courses provided the fundamentals of the field, the electives that I chose helped me gain an insight into the various facets of chemical engineering. My main aim during my undergraduate studies was to get an overview of the various fields in chemical engineering and identify a field of interest in which I could pursue my research career. Because of their vast applications, Materials & Polymer Sciences, in general, have attracted m... ...timulating academic environment and interaction with the distinguished faculty at Columbia University will prove immensely fruitful and facilitate my development as an individual researcher in my field. I feel that XXXX has a lot to offer me, and at the same time, I believe that I would be able to make a positive contribution to on-going research work at XXXX. The incentive of working under Professor XXXX is reason enough of my desire to apply here. Not only because he is working on XXXX, my favorite field of study, but also because I think with my experience in the field of XXXX, I would be able to contribute significantly in his research. I am confident that my strong motivation, my undergraduate experiences and my skill set will help me to measure up to the rigors of graduate study. I look forward to joining XXXX as a graduate student at your esteemed department.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Far from the madding crowd Essay
In ‘Far From the Madding Crowd’, Thomas Hardy examines different types of love. Consider the relationships Bathsheba has with Gabriel, Boldwood and Troy; consider also Troy’s relationship with Fanny Robin. What conclusions does Thomas Hardy wish us to draw about the nature of love? Support the points you make with close reference to the text. You must also mention the social context of the novel and any relevant literary tradition. Bathsheba is a very vain woman who likes to think very highly of herself, in the first appearance she makes in the novel, she is admiring herself in the mirror. The last word in Chapter 1 is ‘vanity’. Hardy has established some of the features of two of the main characters and made us curious about this development of the relationship between Oak and this vain but handsome girl. Bathsheba was not a conventional woman of her time. She was an unusual for a woman of her time because she was very independent. She also refused her first offer of marriage although penniless and living with her aunt. Women at this time relied heavily on marriage. Women at that time often also married for security. Bathsheba is quite teasing with men, for example, when Gabriel Oak holds her hand, she suggests: â€Å"But I suppose you are thinking you would like to kiss it? You may if you want to. †But when Gabriel says, â€Å"I will. †She instantly says, â€Å"No you wont! †This shows that she is teasing, and she can get some men crazy about her. Her relationship with Gabriel has its ups and downs. Gabriel cares for Bathsheba so much but as the novel goes on, Gabriel realizes that there is no chance that he will marry Bathsheba because two other obstructions are in the way, the similarly vain Sergeant Troy and Mr. Boldwood. Bathsheba’s relationship with Mr. Boldwood is very awkward because, she only sent the valentine letter as a prank. It all started off when Liddy and Bathsheba were writing a Valentine letter to ‘little Teddy Coggan’. But Liddy suggests, â€Å"What fun it would be to send it to the stupid old Boldwood, and how he would wonder! †Bathsheba does not agree to the idea at first and says, â€Å"No, I won’t do that. He wouldn’t see any humour in it. †She was right. But Boldwood takes it so seriously and becomes absolutely obsessed with her, â€Å"My life is a burden without you, I want you – I want you to let me say I love you again and again! †When Bathsheba tells him the truth about the Valentines card, Boldwood does not want to and cannot accept the fact that it was a joke and a prank: â€Å"No, no, no. Don’t say thoughtlessness! Make me think it was something more – that it was a sort of prophetic instinct – the beginning of a feeling that you would like me. †Then Troy comes into the novel. During that period of time, there were strict rules governing the etiquette of behaviour about men and women being alone together and they certainly would not publicly touch each other or their clothes. This makes their meeting highly irregular. Bathsheba would be particularly vulnerable in this situation. Troy is similarly vain and teasing like Bathsheba, this enchants her, â€Å"Thank you for the sight of such a beautiful face! †He also often repeats the word, â€Å"Beauty†aimed obviously at Bathsheba. When they depart after their first ‘encounter’, she is very happy and feels flattered. She looks in the mirror (as usual) and repeats Troy’s words, â€Å"Goodnight †¦ beauty! †Bathsheba is aware of her beauty, and she feels that if some handsome man in uniform compliments her on her looks, then that is very rewarding for her and it boosts her self-confidence. Also, Troy’s showmanship with his sword swept Bathsheba off her feet. Also, because Bathsheba would have been very nai ve and inexperienced in the ways of love, she found it very hard to resist Troy. Bathsheba and Troy’s relationship, was more of a sexual love than a real love: â€Å"She felt powerless to withstand or deny him. He was altogether too much for her. †Another sign of Bathsheba’s vanity was that, she only married Troy because he had said he saw a more beautiful woman. So, Bathsheba went all the way to Bath just for Troy. But later on in the novel, Troy does not show that same feelings as when they first met. Instead, Troy becomes more involved into Fanny Robin and regrets ever turning her down. The type of love Fanny Robin loves Troy with all her heart; she even walks miles just for him. Many young women in the Victorian times would have eloped to marry soldiers. This was called ‘Scarlet fever’. This would be a disgrace to the girl and her family. Hardy’s aunt Martha was said to have eloped with a soldier When she asks Troy when they will be wed, Troy does not even understand what she is talking about. Fanny asks, â€Å"When will it be? †Troy then asks â€Å"What? †Then Fanny tries to remind Troy, â€Å"That you promised. †Troy again, forgetful, â€Å"I don’t quite recollect†Then Fanny desperately says, â€Å"O you do! Don’t speak like that. It weighs me to the earth. It makes me say what ought to be said first by you. †Fanny wants to get desperately married, but Troy wants her mainly for sex and for more of a ‘casual’ relationship. Troy gets very angry and upset when he sees the coffin with Fanny Robin and the baby in it. Tragically, Fanny died of childbirth. The baby was still born. Many deaths occurred due to lack of technology including childbirth. He completely forgets about what he had with Bathsheba and thinks of what he could have had with Fanny. Troy’s reaction to her death and his disregard for Bathsheba shows he is the type of man who only wants what he cannot have. When Fanny was alive, Troy showed little interest in her predicament. I think that the message Thomas Hardy is trying to get out is that love can only be true, not just for jokes and pranks (the valentines letter. ) Love also has to have two people involved not like Fanny Robin and Troy at the start of the novel. In conclusion, Hardy ended the novel happily, because he knew that is what the readers wanted to read. The story was printed into a monthly magazine and for a Victorian readership; a happy end involved a marriage. Bathsheba was first attracted by Troy’s good looks and superficial charm and preferred these qualities to the more traditional ones of security and love offered by Oak and Boldwood. But when Fanny dies, Bathsheba finally realizes that Troy’s is actually a womanizer and he is disloyal. Hardy, himself did not rate marriage very highly as he had an unhappy marriage. So by the end of the novel, Bathsheba becomes more sensitive to others and realizes that she should have accepted Oak’s initial proposal, rather than Troy’s, and that she would have been much happier with Oak.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Compulsion of Parents to Join Professional Courses Curb the Talents of their Children
‘’ You cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours. ’’ – Alice in Wonderland. It is a common thinking that parents should encourage and design a lifestyle for their kids as to take them on the straight path and to make a picture- perfect future so that they become successful. But they are too busy to glance up, look and understand, what goes on in the minds of youngsters. Making high school, years to study, and be with your books most hours of the day, limiting their sources, and keeping them treasured will not make them successful, because to become successful you don’t need to learn or memorize.Moreover, these external indicators can pressure children, sending the message that academic success is important, not for personal reasons, but to please others. An individual is good at something only if they do it with passion. A person does his work wholly and completely only when one has an interest in it. Designing their fut ures might make them successful but unhappy at the same time. It is a dream of every parent to see their children become doctors and engineers one day. It curbs their talent and narrows their chance of fulfilling their dreams to zero.Talent is not learnt or taught, it comes naturally by birth. We should do something we are good, which comes from within us, rather doing something we are forced to. If you want to achieve anything with all your heart, no one can stop you from achieving it. To curb the talent of your kids might make them succeed in achieving the dream you see, but it will crush their dreams which they have been building forever. It is a common perception that parents design a Parents who are driven by the desire for publicity curb the natural talent of the child.He/she may develop a stage fear for rest of his life if he is put into a place where he feels out of place. (Meritnation). If one's taught in the best possible way, he could precisely target what he wanted with the aid of knowing his true potentials and later on, achieve his wish-list effectively bloom into the person he's meant to be. (TED Conversations) Emphasis on external standards may have its advantages, such as encouraging students to demonstrate high performance in school because it can lead to good grades and test scores, future college admission, and eventually employment in a prominent career.However, these external indicators can pressure children, sending the message that academic success is important, not for personal reasons, but to please others. An individual can successfully exceed in his academics when there is enjoyment of attaining personal goals, working toward one's potential, being curious and inquisitive, and trying one's best. By emphasizing both types of standards, parents convey to their children that outstanding performance is important to success, but personal satisfaction and trying one's best are also important, a balance that should help to alleviate feelin gs of pressure.Because of high parental standards and criticism, these children are likely to experience feelings of pressure. Parents should focus on understanding of material and personal improvement in performance. Such a balance, especially when accompanied with support and guidance, is unlikely to foster feelings of pressure. (John Hopkins, Centre of talented Youth). â€Å"The job of a parent is not to make your child's way smooth, but rather to help her develop inner resources so she can cope. †? Ellyn Satter ï » ¿Compulsion of Parents to Join Professional Courses Curb the Talents of their Children ‘’ You cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours.’’ – Alice in Wonderland.It is a common thinking that parents should encourage and design a lifestyle for their kids as to take them on the straight path and to make a picture- perfect future so that they become successful. But they are too busy to glance up, look and understand, what goes on in the minds of youngsters. Making high school, years to study, and be with your books most hours of the day, limiting their sources, and keeping them treasured will not make them successful, because to become successful you don’t need to learn or memorize. Moreover, these external indicators can pressure children, sending the message that academic success is important, not for personal reasons, but to please others. An individual is good at something only if they do it with passion.A person does his work wholly and completely only when one has an interest in it. Designing their futur es might make them successful but unhappy at the same time. It is a dream of every parent to see their children become doctors and engineers one day. It curbs their talent and narrows their chance of fulfilling their dreams to zero. Talent is not learnt or taught, it comes naturally by birth. We should do something we are good, which comes from within us, rather doing something we are forced to. If you want to achieve anything with all your heart, no one can stop you from achieving it. To curb the talent of your kids might make them succeed in achieving the dream you see, but it will crush their dreams which they have been building forever.It is a common perception that parents design aParents who are driven by the desire for publicity curb the natural talent of the child. He/she may develop a stage fear for rest of his life if he is put into a place where he feels out of place. (Meritnation). If one's taught in the best possible way, he could precisely target what he wanted with th e aid of knowing his true potentials and later on, achieve his wish-list effectively bloom into the person he's meant to be. (TED Conversations) Emphasis on external standards may have its advantages, such as encouraging students to demonstrate high performance in school because it can lead to good grades and test scores, future college admission, and eventually employment in a prominent career.However, these external indicators can pressure children, sending the message that academic success is important, not for personal reasons, but to please others. An individual can successfully exceed in his academics when there is enjoyment of attaining personal goals, working toward one's potential, being curious and inquisitive, and trying one's best. By emphasizing both types of standards, parents convey to their children that outstanding performance is important to success, but personal satisfaction and trying one's best are also important, a balance that should help to alleviate feeli ngs of pressure.Because of high parental standards and criticism, these children are likely to experience feelings of pressure. Parents should focus on understanding of material and personal improvement in performance. Such a balance, especially when accompanied with support and guidance, is unlikely to foster feelings of pressure. (John Hopkins, Centre of talented Youth).â€Å"The job of a parent is not to make your child's way smooth, but rather to help her develop inner resources so she can cope.†― Ellyn Satter
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Battle of Wounded Knee essays
Battle of Wounded Knee essays On the morning of December 29, 1890, the Sioux chief Big Foot and some 350 of his followers camped on the banks of Wounded Knee creek. Surrounding their camp was a force of US troops charged with the responsibility of arresting Big Foot and disarming his warriors. The scene was tense. Trouble had been brewing for months. The Battle at Wounded Knee was in part result of the growing support if the Ghost Dance religion. Founded by, a Paige Indian religious leader, the religion rapidly gained many followers though the Plains Indians. The belief of the Ghost Dance religion was the hope of returning to theold days?. It was taught that God would restore the Indian world to the way it was before the Americans arrived. With this praise, the Indians felt as though they were bring back there ancestors and the buffalo which were killed some of the Americans. The army leaders feared that this religion would lead to upraising with the Indians so they called in troops to kept things under control. To control that area of the Indians, the Americans sent in General Nelson A. Miles and Agent James McLaughlin with an army of over 5,000 soldiers. Agent McLaughlin was [mistakenly] reporting that 'this new religion was reported from the beginning and that it seem impossible that any person, no matter how ignorant, could be brought to believe such absurd nonsense?. On Dec 14,1890 having received word that Sitting Bull was determined to visit the Pine Ridge Agency south of standing rock, McLaughlin had him arrested immediately. During the arrest, Siting Bull began to protest. His followers, having heard his shouts began to act. One of them fired a shout a officer arresting Sitting Bull. As the shot began to fell in death he was able to fire one shout hitting Sitting Bull. Gunfire erupted, taking the lives of Sitting Bull, 6 policemen and eight of S itting Bulls followers. When he heard of Sitting Bull's death, Chief Big Foot led his people south to seek pro...
Monday, October 21, 2019
2009 Ap History Dbq Essays
2009 Ap History Dbq Essays 2009 Ap History Dbq Essay 2009 Ap History Dbq Essay When the United States of America was created as an independent country at the end of the revolutionary war against Great Britan, the roots of an entirely new American identity took place. Though taking influence from its former parent country, England, the United States began its own system of representative government. Furthermore, the American identity shaped in the early years of 1775 to 1830 incorporated the ideas of agrarian farming, economic standpoints, and capitalism. Slaves and freedmen alive suffered unclear, exploited and coped with the aspects of agrarian farming and agriculture in general, capitalism, and Christianity in America. The Revolution began the contradictory nature of the American identity as it applied to blacks. A piece of evidence that supports black participation in the army is known in Paul Caffels Petition, in which he notes that black people helped the colonial cause despite their lack of protection under the law. This occurred in MA in a state that would later proclaim slavery. Participation in the civil war as well as payment to be freed, lead the increase of free African Americans. The petition was heard by the north, which would become a region against slavery, Escaped slaves would reside in the area of the north and fugitive slave laws asking for them to return would be rejected as well. Other slaves, like that of Venture Smith, sought to buy their own freedom by selling surplus crops on fields that they worked on. However, southern abolitionists found ways to excuse slavery, such as George Fitzwagh. Also, open lands in the west by the Louisiana Purchase gave a perfect opportunity to move slaves and their families to work on new fields. Attempting to persevere through the horrors of slavery, many African Americans turned toward religion to help them. The religious great awakening that occurred in this era also caused blacks to participate and form Methodist meetings. They believed they would be let out of slavery and into freedom. Many slaves looked toward god in their battle against slavery. Many of them attended meetings at congregations praising god in hope and faith for freedom. Slavery was known as terrible the whole time in American history. It was engrained in the souls of white and black that were alike preceding 1775. However, the blacks would attempt to free themselves and their brothers still in slavery by abolitionism. Eventually a shift against slavery would occur and instead of fighting against it, America would experience a Civil War over this sectional issue of Black Freedom.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
#2 Religion Reflection Assignment on a reading by Scarboro and Luck Essay
#2 Religion Reflection Assignment on a reading by Scarboro and Luck called The Goddess and Power (Reading material is uploaded) - Essay Example While thinking about the first question the researcher discovered that the exposition of the paper makes a reader indulge into reflective mode since the reader is compelled to question what the real objective of the authors could be in writing this paper. It appears as if the author would discuss the emergence of religious diversity in order to show the accommodative, liberal and diverse nature of the American religious arena. However, the terms â€Å"religious plethora†â€Å"pagan ceremonies†and â€Å"radical†(Scarboro and Luck, 69) used in the second paragraph bear negative connotation for beliefs like Wicca and Witchcraft and seem to belittle the value of these beliefs in the very onset. This implies that the authors consider all such religious practices somewhat alien to the mainstream America belief systems. The research questions brought forward by the authors – â€Å"What is the appeal of witchcraft to contemporary Americans?†and â€Å" What does Wicca offer to the wider American religious tradition?†(69) – also implicate alienation, separation and distancing of these religious beliefs form the authors’ own beliefs. The wording and terminology used here could look more convincing if the authors had used more neutral language. The discussion also implies that the attributes of Wicca religion and the Witches’ attack on Christian beliefs make the readers assume that Wicca Witches are insolently bold and believe in personal and communal freedom. The words like â€Å"distant, stern, judging, vengeful [....] standing over against the human†(71) used by the Witches for the Christian God implicate that the Witches believe in a belief system which does not have any threat of judgement or punishment. Likewise, the gender inclusive nature of divinity in Wicca culture also sounds striking and imply that the practitioners of this religion believe in human rights and, more specifically speaking, women rights. The male
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Cause and Effect and Comparison-Contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Cause and Effect and Comparison-Contrast - Essay Example This was to try and minimize the effects of the radiations to individuals who were to work there for longer periods of time. The radiation was said to be present in the entire environment where water, air, plants and animals were all affected (Aleksievich). The situation was made intense by the fact that people in the region did not know what had just happened and those who were travelling to Chernobyl from other places continued with their journeys. Another cause that increased the effects of the radioactive materials was the steam explosion. Steam is less dense than the normal atmospheric water and therefore was able to be carried v\by the wind to far distances. Moreover, on condensation, it landed on buildings, people, the fauna and flora. This increased the level of intoxication and spread of the radiations. The effects of the radiations to people who took part in the cleaning process, regardless of whether they lived close to the plant were still seen (Lusted). The government involved 500,000 people to clean the place and most of them were young and energetic men and women. These were to be the next generation. In fact, within a few hours of the explosion, people in the environment, who were absolutely oblivious of what had happened, started experiencing illnesses and headaches. Uncontrollable fits of coughing and vomiting were also experienced by the people as well as tastes of metallic substances in their mouths. Many of these people were caught without any information about such an atrocity. These people suffered for longer and by 2005, more than 6,000 cases of thyroid cancer were reported (Cheney, Journey to Chernobyl: Encounters in a Radioactive Zone). This number includes children who were born in the recent years. The second effect to the people was mental health. These individuals were lacking control over their actions, were weak and helpless. The third effect was the actual death caused directly and indirectly by the radiations.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Bio answeres Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Bio answeres - Essay Example Wunder (2014) asserts that these provision may not be applicable in the modern society and the vulnerability of the native communities has minimized. Consequently, the traditional American justice system may suit the native communities. The level of discrimination in the juvenile justice system in alarming. The system created with the objective of separating children from adult offenders have been occasionally used to target specific communities. In an argument by Finlay (2007) minority communities tend to be preyed by the system with the belief that it may incubate crime rates in adults. For this reason, minority groups such as the Hispanics and African Americans are greater targets of the juvenile justice system. Zimring & Tanenhaus (2014) are of the assumption that changes made to the juvenile justice system to transfer offender to the adult system poses more risk to minority communities. Hispanics and African Americans get transferred more from the juvenile justice system to the adult system than any other community (Zimring & Tanenhaus,
Ethical Issue currently facing the Army Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Ethical Issue currently facing the Army - Essay Example With the attack being at the center stage of making references, this paper unearth on how the American response to the attack related with the ethics as stipulated in the military. The paper then discusses factors that necessitated the emergence of the issue, its impacts in the military and the perceived enemies and civilians. Thus, recommendations after a scrutiny of the above concerns are made in attempt to enable the military amicable strike a suitable balance regarding the ethical conduct and response. Following the chronology given above, this paper tends to account for every stage as considered below. With reference to the abstract, appreciation that in military, the junior officers take orders without questioning is construable. In this case, we will be considering the act of killing in military. Given the level of orders execution in the military, chances are that they can partake in mass killing without justification on the perceived enemies and observes nothing sinister. This is because they are not given the chance to evaluate what is ethical and, which is not. Considering the religious teachings from Christianity, Hindu, and the Buddhist, there is unequivocal respect to the sanctity of life and that none should deprive the other such right. Killing in this context is prohibited and not tolerated-it is immoral and unethical. This consideration has sparked animated debate within the military since the ethical aspect of killing has gained tremendous momentum and it is now being given keen inclusion in the military training. Currently, the military training has been restructured to include stringent observation and adherence to the cardinal principle of respecting life whether it is coming from the direction of the enemy or the civilian. Since the period of World War I and II, Period of the cold war where America and Russia
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Performance of the UK auto- and motor industry Literature review
Performance of the UK auto- and motor industry - Literature review Example Because of this superior level of internet sponsored network connectivity, the world has become a highly connected one single global entity. It is highly interesting to mention that the level of dependency that exists in between the organizations and business forums of various countries and markets is widely varying and largely diversifying in nature. As of the recent times, the advanced markets located in the well developed economies are facing factors of low demand because of the influence of a wide range of macroeconomic factors like the slow growth in the economy and fall in purchasing power of the consumers. It has become a common and normal trends for the companies and organizations located in the regions of slower growth to look forward to the markets of emerging economies like Africa, china, Russia, Brazil and India so as to secure their growth lines of the future (IMF Research Dept, 2012, p. 7) . The UK motor segment forms a very crucial and critical part of the entire motor industry of the European region. The factors like product manufacturing, combined participation and sharing of manufacturing policy by the auto manufacturers as well as the multiple markets served in a combined basis by the entire European automobile sector makes the contribution of the UK motor industry very important. It also has to be taken into account that the production of the automobile sectors in the UK region contributes in a positive manner in the economy and society of the nation (Johnson, 2002, p. 164). UK auto industry: sector overview It is highly relevant to mention that the most of the nations of the European region is facing extended periods of macro level economic challenges in regards to the troubles of the Euro zone. Since the UK motor industry shares a high degree of contribution based dependence with the entire European motor industry, it is very natural that the potential influence of the regions’ macroeconomic challenges is bound to cast a shadow on t he prospects of the UK automobile sector. As of October 2012, various reports on the automobile sector of the UK region hinted to the fact that around 1400 workers of the motor sector is about to lose their jobs as a result of cuts that are supposed to be initiated by the motor manufacturing giant Ford in its plant locations of Southampton and Dagenham. Further insights revealed that the job cuts in the motor sector is an outcome of Euro zone powered effect which comprised of uncertainty in the business environment as well as erosion in demand. It was also realized that Ford has focused on consolidating its manufacturing operations in the European region on the strategic grounds, while trying their best to absorb the case of depreciating demand of finished products from the European region. Talking on the lines of impacts and threats faced by the automobile sector of UK, it has to be said that the automobile sector faces serious issues on the lines of rising cost of manufacturing in the UK region as well as highly
Rock 'n' Roll High School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Rock 'n' Roll High School - Essay Example Rather, the term might describe a social situation of excessive libertarianism or direct democracy, as we find in the writings of John Cage. Thus, systematic anarchy would add more features to such a social situation. Systematic anarchy cannot lead to chaos, simply because it is systematic. The systemized social state of direct democracy or excessive libertarianism would definitely provide enough room for the individuals to express themselves. The systematic anarchy would culminate at freedom of expression and action in a social state that would lack institutional rigidity but appreciate the good sides of human character. In the context of Rock ‘n’ Roll High School, this is the very social situation of a handful of hilarious students. They break conventions, do things that they should not, challenge our regular thinking, and explore a libertarian environment in the form of systematic anarchy. This systematic anarchy is not chaotic. Rather it is expressionist, combined with the flavors of realism, surrealism, and satire. The very plot of Rock ‘n’ Roll High School sets the backdrop of this certain kind of anarchy. In the Vince Lombardi High School, principals suffer from nervous breakdowns as the students of the school completely disregard education and love rock ‘n’ roll whole heartedly. Through a sequence of exciting and sometimes, funny events, these students invite the ‘Ramones’ (a rock band) and take over the control of their school. In response to this, they face criticism and pressure from their parents and teachers. The parents and teachers even move to police. Finally, in all this turmoil, the activities of the student lead to an explosive climax. Certain interesting scenes and sequences are created in the film. In the scene when the musical number â€Å"Do You Wanna Dance?†is set, we find the rock stars confused, even their instruments not plugged in, and the students jump and bounce all around in excitement and joy.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Compare and contrast the two poems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Compare and contrast the two poems - Essay Example Udiah’s work appeared to be more effective in delivering its message and emotion, for the poem’s sentence structures were written with simplicity. Similarities The subject that the two poems similarly discussed was ‘death.’ Both masterpieces conveyed the underlying message that death is part of the lives of mortal beings or it is part of the cycle of life. For instance, there was a line in the poem â€Å"Angel of Death†which said â€Å"fears of my slavery†(Udiah Line 22). This line means that individuals are slaves of death, and that human being’s life on earth is finite. Likewise, the poem â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night†also communicated the same message through the line, â€Å"old age should burn and rage at close of day†(Thomas Line 2). This implies that the poet acknowledged that death is part of life. Since death was the subject matter discussed, both poems communicated the emotions such as struggle, sadness, and mourning. These were made more vivid through the poets’ utilization of metaphors. For instance, night and darkness were used as symbols for death. With this, the vision that the readers may create while reading both poems is darkness, which connotes sadness and loneliness due to desolation. In terms of the structures of the poem and the techniques that the poets used, similarities were also found. Both poems were structured in a formal manner, employing in uniform syllable counts. â€Å"Angel of Death†is composed of four stanzas with six lines in each. The first four lines in each stanza uniformly have six syllables, while the last two lines have eight syllables. The poem â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night†is composed of six stanzas with three lines in each, except for the last stanza which has four lines. Uniformly, each line has ten syllables. Udiah and Dylan Thomas used repeated lines to give drama and heighten the intensity of the mes sage they want to convey. For instance, the first poem repeatedly mentioned the line â€Å"the angel of death at his kill†(Udiah Lines 6, 12, 18, 24), while the other poem repeatedly uttered â€Å"rage, rage against the dying light†(Thomas Lines 3, 9, 15, 19) and â€Å"do not go gentle into that good night†(Thomas Lines 1, 6, 12, 18). In addition, both poets used the irony technique to explicitly express the artistic nature of poems. For example, the phrase ‘angel of death’ demonstrates irony, considering that angels are deemed good, yet they can also be deadly. The line â€Å"blind eyes could blaze like meteors†(Udiah Line 14) in the other poem, likewise shows irony, for it is impossible for a blind eyes to see dazzling light. On a personal point of view, the use of the formal poem structures, i.e. uniform syllable counts and rhyme schemes, have provided the readers with easy and enjoyable read. As a result, the readers may experience ea sy grasp of the subtle message of such masterpieces, and feel the emotion that those poems aspire to convey. Furthermore, the techniques that Udiah and Dylan Thomas used like the metaphor, repetitive lines, and irony have also added beauty to the poems. With those, the effectiveness of message transmission and message reception were elevated. Perhaps, such techniques made both poets effective on how they liked in conveying the
Rock 'n' Roll High School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Rock 'n' Roll High School - Essay Example Rather, the term might describe a social situation of excessive libertarianism or direct democracy, as we find in the writings of John Cage. Thus, systematic anarchy would add more features to such a social situation. Systematic anarchy cannot lead to chaos, simply because it is systematic. The systemized social state of direct democracy or excessive libertarianism would definitely provide enough room for the individuals to express themselves. The systematic anarchy would culminate at freedom of expression and action in a social state that would lack institutional rigidity but appreciate the good sides of human character. In the context of Rock ‘n’ Roll High School, this is the very social situation of a handful of hilarious students. They break conventions, do things that they should not, challenge our regular thinking, and explore a libertarian environment in the form of systematic anarchy. This systematic anarchy is not chaotic. Rather it is expressionist, combined with the flavors of realism, surrealism, and satire. The very plot of Rock ‘n’ Roll High School sets the backdrop of this certain kind of anarchy. In the Vince Lombardi High School, principals suffer from nervous breakdowns as the students of the school completely disregard education and love rock ‘n’ roll whole heartedly. Through a sequence of exciting and sometimes, funny events, these students invite the ‘Ramones’ (a rock band) and take over the control of their school. In response to this, they face criticism and pressure from their parents and teachers. The parents and teachers even move to police. Finally, in all this turmoil, the activities of the student lead to an explosive climax. Certain interesting scenes and sequences are created in the film. In the scene when the musical number â€Å"Do You Wanna Dance?†is set, we find the rock stars confused, even their instruments not plugged in, and the students jump and bounce all around in excitement and joy.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Responsibility Project Essay Example for Free
The Responsibility Project Essay In viewing a short film Table Guardians in The Responsibility Project website, organizational issues were displayed. The short film acted out a community coffee shop that different groups of individuals came and gone. An early aged male engaged in conversation with a mid-aged female requesting that she oversee his belongings and table while he quickly went to the copy shop a block away and ensured her that he will return quickly in a matter of minutes, 10 minutes; 12 minutes max. The women, although partially hesitant, agreed to watch over his table and belongings that included a personal computer and writing supplies. As time passed, several individuals attempted to make use of the crowded coffee shop table; however, the women overseeing the table informed those individuals that table was taken and the young man will soon return. After the women waited for over an hour guarding the table, she was asked if she was leaving her table by another women and she explained to her that she would have been gone, but she is overseeing the table across the way for a gentlemen. The women offered the exchange of overseeing the table for her table and she gladly accepted. After the exchange of four other overseers of this table, the gentleman finally returns. The fourth individual overseeing table doesn’t allow the gentlemen to easily recover his table and personal belongings. She informs him that the table is taken and belongs to a gentleman that will be coming back. He tries to explain that he is that gentleman and that he is back. She then requests proof of identity for the gentleman to recover his goods. Throughout the films entirety, it shows the communities ethical and moral reasoning of treating others as you wish to be treated by not leaving the gentleman’s personal belongings unattended as given word by a complete stranger initially. The integrity was kept throughout the exchange of overseers. The coffee shop employee kept his interests as a stakeholder by making the right decision to protect the employers’ expectations by statin g that he is not able to take responsibility of watching the table. By doing so the employee alleviated any possibilities of liability to the employer. It was also noted in the short film that the consumers in the coffee shop showed ethical reasoning by respecting the issue at hand that the table was taken and not causing conflict in the coffee shop although the tables were filled and that table was sitting empty unattended. The end of the short film showed the same situation appearing to repeat itself; however, it is unknown whether or not it will end the same if it were in a different community. Also the outcome will depend on the ethical and moral interests for individuals involved. It could result in stolen or damaged goods. External social pressures have an influence on organizational issues. For instance, if this community discussed previously in the busy coffee shop had different ethical and moral interests in the community, the gentleman leaving his personal belongings may not have been comfortable in leaving his belongings with a stranger nor would he have asked. It was the gentleman’s belief that his belongings will be in safe keeping. The gentleman was apparently comfortable with outside factors of his community’s environment and the people; therefore, comfortable with the individual in the coffee shop to oversee his belongings. The coffee shop does not function alone, it is the outside of the business that influences how business is carried out inside. The guardians of the gentleman’s belongings were polite and moral by overseeing his belongings. It was morally and ethically wrong for the gentlemen to have left his belonging with an individual for longer than he had given his word for. The coffee shop employee responded ethically to the women who wanted him to oversee the table while working by stating he could not take responsibility while working. External social pressures can create a downside to organizations if social critics are not considered in organizations because consumer’s today is more â€Å"socially†aware. By organizations considering social pressures, this may assist in gearing their organization or business on the right direction for success. Concerning personal decision making, external social pressures may change decisions by simply the pressures of another outlook on the situation. An organization can simply apply pressure to have someone select their organization by offering free tutoring to an enrolled student or a business offering free gym membership for a year with purchase of insurance plan. Social pressure comes in numerous forms. The short film Table Guardians did not clearly show any legal issues per say; however could have resulted a legal issue if the employee decided to watch the gentleman’s belongings while working. Instead, the employee stated that he was could not oversee the table because liability reasons. Should the employee decide to watch table and the gentleman’s belongings came up stolen or damaged, it would have been a liability to coffee shop owner. The employee made the ethical decision. Overall, the short film addressed responsibility ethically, morally, and legally. Ethically is protecting concepts of right or wrong. Morality is more of the personal characteristics of interests and decision making. Ethics and mortality are subjective because no two individuals think alike. The legal system retains general humanities ethics; otherwise, we will suffer the consequences. References The Responsibility Project. (2008). Retrieved from http://responsibility-
Monday, October 14, 2019
Electronic Tools as Distribution Channels
Electronic Tools as Distribution Channels Introduction Internet has been recognized as an effective tools which not only provide opportunities for hospitalities organization to present their products and services, but also a platform of getting customer feedbacks and comments. The Internet Distribution System plays a significant role in hospitality distribution channel. The internet has enabled organizations to perform both distribution and marketing communication activities online (Bowie and Buttle, 2011). Hotel webpage allow their guests to reserve and pay online and build a good communication with customer, they can put information and pictures to make their customer know more about this hotel. This research paper based upon the investigation into the importance of using electronic tools as distribution channels which made a significant contribution to Chinas economy. Bowie and Buttle (2011) summaries that a good internet distribution channel help hoteliers to make a better understanding of the different roles that the distribution and marketing communication play in the market mix and it provide time and place utilities or benefits to customers. And how will the different distributional influences on the sales of 5-star hotel in China. The definition of Distribution channels Hayes and Miller (2011) indicated that distribution channel is a source of business customers or a vehicle used to communicate with a source of customers. Distribution channel management is the process by which RMs target customers by promotion room sales among their various selling alternatives and, as a result, optimize revenues. The concept of a distribution channel is relatively simple, but in practice can be extremely complicated, especially for large organizations. The role of distribution is to help customers find information about products and to make purchasing easy. (Bowie and Buttle, 2004) Distribution channel is a hotels circulatory system which provide a steady flow of customers. A well-managed distribution system can make the difference between a market-share leader and a company struggling for survival. In the global market, electronic distribution techniques, and the perishable hospitality products have increased the importance of distribution. (Philip, 2014) Hospitality principals, especially larger companies, need intermediaries to distribute their product either solely or combined with other travel products in a package. Intermediaries sell the principals products customers and are normally paid by the principals. (Bowie and Buttle, 2011) The Development of electronic and hospitality distribution The origins of electronic distribution stemmed from the airlines internal inventory systems developed in the 1950s and 1960s. In 1976 SABRE established the first GDS, followed by Amadeus, Galileo and later World span. Until the early 1990s, hotel electronic channels of distribution were as described as a cosy status quo between the CRS and the GDS. Each system Cooperated, rather than competed, with each other, participants operated a closer user group and relationships were effectively linear, with each participant playing a mutually beneficial role. (OConnor, 2004) Spurred by the internet, electronic hotel distribution is increasingly user intimate, screen oriented, and content rich. (Carroll and Siguaw. 2003) Consequently, by 2005 an estimated 1 in 5 hotel bookings will be made online, up from 1 in 12 in 2002.( Carroll and Siguaw. 2003 ) With the continuing geometric growth of individual access to the Internet the volume of reservation coming directly to hotel from individual will increase dramatically in the next few years.(Hsu and Powers, 2002).Major hotel companies with thousands of bedrooms to fill in hundreds of locations need to use a wide range of distribution channels to reach their targeted customers.( Bowie and Buttle, 2011) The Trends of Distribution channels Leading into a discussion of the current distribution landscape, it would be appropriate to start with the hottest areas of growth: search engines, social media and mobile. These three technologies are the most influential in terms of sheer visits or growth rate in consumer usage. (Green and Lomanno, 2012) Social media: The phenomenon that is growing very quickly in recent times is the social media, and particularly the social networks that deal with travel. With the appearance of the internet, new types of intermediaries have emerged and many systems have established mutual connections. (Buhalis and Law, 2008) Facebook which is the leading social site has 750 million members with 70% outside the United States, and site usage is staggering with 50% of users logging on in any given day, each with 130 friends on average and spending approximately 30 minutes per day on the site. (Green and Lomanno, 2012) Search engines: The players that have achieved the greatest impact in the online travel booking spaces are the search engines (Kracht and Wang, 2010) Google or Yahoo generate millions of travel-related bookings every day and there are millions of new potential search engines enter this market. For example. the world of travel-specific search has recently become a major battleground with Googles acquisition of airfare engine ITA Software followed by the launch of Googles Hotel Place Ads and Hotel Finder products in July 2011.(Green and Lomanno, 2012) Mobile and Mobile APPs: A discussion of distribution is not complete without a significant reference to the importance of mobile. It is likely the single technology category that will most affect every aspect of distribution and yet, it is still largely in development. Many hotels have launched basic mobile-friendly websites, and have had enormous numbers of consumers download apps that assist with travel booking. For example, a discussion of distribution is not complete without a significant reference to the importance of mobile. It is likely the single technology category that will most affect every aspect of distribution and yet, it is still largely in development. Many hotels have launched basic mobile-friendly websites, and have had enormous numbers of consumers download apps that assist with travel booking. (Green and Lomanno, 2012) Travel Reviews This is currently one of the fastest growing phenomena. Webs such as TripAdvisor or (Buhalis and Law, 2008) are already very mature sites and have almost become an obligatory stop for online travel buyers. According to a recent survey by Forrester Research, 30% of online travel buyers read the online advice of other travellers. (Antoni et al, 2013) The power of consumer review sites as a popular form of social media is gaining influence in travel. From the December 2011 spinoff of TripAdvisor (previously an Expedia company), and the emergence of new consumer review-oriented travel sites, it seems that they may create a new type of distribution channel that may be one part each social, inspiration and booking referral site. (Green and Lomanno, 2012) Overview of Electronic Distribution Channels The structure of the travel and tourism industry is continually evolving. There are different structures in different countries depending on the historical development of tourism. Although the vast majority of tourism intermediaries are small, independent organizations, a few major international companies have emerged with dominant market position. From hospitality perspective, intermediaries can be categorized under the following broad headings (Bowie and Buttle, 2011) Traditional distribution channels in the hotel industry: Travel agents: Travel agents are retail business that provide information, advice and booking for individual and group travel in both business and leisure market. The concept of a travel agency is well established in the travel market. They act as an intermediary between customers and principals such as airlines, hotels, car rental companies, attractions, entertainment, event and sporting venues. (Bowie and Buttle, 2011) GDS Global Distribution System: The GDSs were the first electronic channel, predating and the OTAs by several decades. Typically, these systems were used by the broadly defined category of travel agents to book airlines and hotel rooms for their clients. While generally not accessible to the broader public at large, they were a relatively easy way to connect a potential customer with a hotel room. (Green and Lomanno, 2012) CRS/Voice: A Call centre is a central location phone bank, also called a central reservation office (Laura, 2011). Bookings through this channel have accounted for a declining share of both total room reservations and the revenue associated with those bookings for several years now. That decline is evident at both the national level and for each of the chain scale categories. While there has been a decline, the volume is still significant and only slightly less than the channel contribution. (Green and Lomanno, 2012) Property Direct/Other: Groups/meetings, contract business, rooming lists, and walk-ins are all the types of business that fall into this channel category. With this in mind, and knowing it has such a mix of business types, it makes this category the most difficult for the property or brand to manage without parsing it into its component parts by business segment. Due to the large amount of business transacted locally, it is still likely to be several years before any other channel overtakes property direct/other as the most widely utilized booking channel. Emerging Distribution Channels Online Travel Agencies (OTAs): OTA is an acronym for online travel agents, who have the same function as traditional physical travel agents, but the service is conveyed via the Internet. Unlike traditional travel agents, OTA specializes in offering vacation-planning sources and booking resources. (Yu, 2012) Of all the distribution channels the OTA opaque model is probably both the least financially understood model as well as the one that creates the most controversy. It is least financially understood because of the nature of the arrangement with the hotels that keeps the properties from knowing what the guest actually paid for the room. So while the properties know what room rate they receive from the vendor, the differential paid by the consumer on the upside remains unknown to the hotel. (A hotels website): On average about 16% of all hotel room bookings are being made through either the brand or property website referred to in this study as This number grew slightly in 2010 and has been on an upward track since the widespread use of the Internet about a decade ago. (Green and Lomanno, 2012) More and more hotel brands build their own websites and provide booking service on their home pages, which enables customers to be driven from OTAs to their own websites. (Yu, 2012) Mobile Apps: A recent study by BIA/Kelsey concluded that by the end of 2013 local businesses will be receiving three times the number of phone calls as they do currently because of the increase in mobile marketing and smart phone searches. The trend is emerging (Michael, 2012). Over the last five years, mobile has become closely correlated to local. People are looking for a restaurant nearby, a hotel nearby. The Wyndham hotel group has dedicated numbers on its 13 mobile websites, with a dedicated number assigned to every brand. Finally, the increase in call-centre volume has been noticeable (Keith, 2012). Mobile phones will be a great source of business, though this may present issues on the logistical end. If such issues arise, hotels will need more staff to take calls and, the call centre will need to be developed extensively (Harvet, 2012). The implement of Distribution Channel Since the GDS is a Distribution provides two key utilities or benefits to customer. Distribution makes hospitality products and services available when and where customer want them; there are known as time and place utilities, respectively. Online and traditional intermediaries, for example, travel agents and tour operators, help customers to find and choose hospitality and travel products. (Bowie and Buttle, 2011) For several years travel has been the most popular products sold online. The Internet is the perfect medium for selling travel products as it brings together a vast network of suppliers and a widely dispersed customer pool into a centralized market place. (OConnor, 2004) The structure of the travel and tourism industry is continually evolving. In Europe, change drives include the deregulation of air travel and the growth of Internet technology, which can deliver economies of scale and cost savings to the large tourism organization. From an accommodation providers perspecti ve, effective Internet marketing is based upon an understanding of how search engines work, recognizing the importance of destination links, development accessible and easy-to-use websites, developing effective booking engines, and the transparency of pricing. Numerous survey confirm that internet users depend upon search engines and directories when looking for information on the internet Search engines such as Google and Alta Vista Provide an indexed guide to website. Directories or website, grouped into categories such as business, a website needs to ensure that the domain name, destination, text copy. Page titles, description tag and Meta tags are designed to ensure that search engines and directories find the web pages. Optimizing ensure that search engines and directories find the web page. Optimizing easy accessibility for Internet searchers is clearly important for the hospitality brand. (Bowie and Buttle, 2004) The management of distribution channel The hospitality industry varies from other industries significantly due to the perishable and intangible nature of the hospitality service/product. (Bastakis, Buhalis, Butler, 2004) As Bowie and Buttle (2004) said because of the high commission fee which can be 8 present and the norm is 10 present, with certain hotels playing up to 30 present commission on specific products available during the low season and the cost of GDS which can be assumed a $100 per night room rate, the total deductions can be as much as $26.55 (Middleton, 2000), which only leaves $73.45 for hotel (although this dose include an internal company charge of $9 for the hotel chains CRS), some hospitality companies wish to reduce or eliminate. Hospitality companies see the Internet as a means of reducing distribution costs and enabling direct communication with consumers and customers. There can be significant hardware, software and human resources costs attached to developing and operating a direct-to-customer di stribution strategy. From an accommodation providers perspective, effective Internet marketing is based upon an understanding of how search engines work, recognizing the importance of destination links, developing links, developing accessible and easy-to-use website, developing effective booking engines, and the transparency of pricing.( Bowie and Buttle,2004 ) However, hospitality organization will loss of control of a key element in the marketing mix, which can lead to an unhealthy dependence upon intermediaries and it can be closer to the end user, taking ownership of the customer away from the hospitality organization. Reference
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Bodily Resurrection And 1 Corinthians 15: 42-54 :: essays research papers
Bodily Resurrection and 1 Corinthians 15: 42-54 One of the most significant issues concerning nearly all religions, Christianity among them, concerns the fate of men following their death. Believing in an inevitable resurrection of the body among the faithful, Paul, a principle founder of Christianity, asserted his beliefs on the nature of bodily resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15: 42-54. As eternity tends to last a long time, believing Christians (even agnostics such as myself) would likely be somewhat eager to arrive at an accurate interpretation of Paul's message found in the above verses, so as to glean insight as to what might await them following their last heartbeat. The approach I will take in analyzing 1 Corinthians: 42-54 will be to: 1) explain how the verses fit in with the overall structure of the book; 2) to explain and paraphrase the meaning behind the passage; 3) relate the verses to similar passages expressed elsewhere by Paul; 4) and lastly to touch upon some of the controversy associated with the verses. 1 Corinthians was written around 54 C.E. and was addressed to the congregation which was made up primarily of gentiles and was located in Corinth. At the time, Corinth was a highly urbanized and religiously diverse city which made it very conducive to the early Christian movement. Paul's first letter to the Corinthians was written as a response to a letter he had received (which did not survive) from the Corinthians in which Paul was asked to settle various disputes that were arising within the struggling congregation. Writing in apostolic fashion to the congregation he had founded, Paul's letter while pastoral, answered numerous questions and demanded numerous changes ranging from: the rich eating with the poor at the church suppers (11:18-22); to curbing the acceptance of sexual immorality (5:1-13); to abstaining from taking fellow Christians to court (6:12-20); to answering the question on the acceptability of eating meat begot from pagan sacrifice (8:1-13); to the role of women in the church (11:2-16); to the importance of prophesying (14:1-40); and much, much more. It was under these auspices that Paul answered the question of whether man would be with or without a body following resurrection. Although all of the 15th chapter deals with issues of resurrection, the place of the body is curtly addressed in verses 42-54 and is prefaced with the 35th verse which asks, "But someone will ask, Å’How are the dead raised? With what kind of body do they come?'"(15:35). Paul believed that at the time of the resurrection the perishable body would be transformed into an imperishable body, that would neither be a ghost-
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Lie of the Land :: Haydn Middleton The Lie of the Land Essays
The Lie of the Land This is a list of explications--things a North American reader might need to know in order to make most sense out of Haydn Middleton's The Lie of the Land. I re-read the novel and made a list of unclear references or ambiguous words or terms. I included the page number and a short explanation of the context; I then proffered each word with the definition I was able to find! Before delving into my textual explications, let me add a short "preface" first. As I re-read Middleton's novel, I found myself intensely interested in the cultural differences between North Americans and the English from (you guessed it...) England. My fascination with the inexplicable difference, yet explicable intertwining of our two cultures is probably provoked by a book I'm reading for another class, Cultural Misunderstandings by Raymonde Carroll, a French anthropologist. Carroll has extensively studied the differences between Americans and Europeans, mainly French. She gave an interesting analysis concerning Americans and our way of conducting or cultivating relationships. Well, I was reading the novel again, and if you caught it, Rachel offers Alasdair an invitation to dinner. This might not strike you as significant at all, but hold on--note that here in the United States, we will frequently end a conversation with, "Call me!" or "Let's get together, sometime, okay? I'll cal l you sometime!" These advances are never realized, of course, but are merely conversation climaxers. Rachel says to Alasdair, "Look . . . you should come round some time with Maggie. We'd love to see you . . . " (25). A couple of chapters later, the dinner scene is a very significant addition to the story, hmm? Carroll made the comment that Americans portray themselves as superficial and flighty with their many unrealized invitations. Europeans, on the other hand, tend to extend invitations and set the date in the proceeding avenue of discourse. Details. Dr. Gilgun taught my Fiction class last semester, and we learned that details develop ordestroy the story. Details divorce me from the story or seduce me, leaving me wondering where reality ends and the surreal begins. Details characterize the culture behind the author, the culture in and within where delight is reached, found, discovered and eventually shared. But anyway . . . enough of diversion! TEXTUAL EXPLICATIONS--please feign acquiescence, and pretend that this list is complete and can stand alone; there were so many more textual nuances that I wanted to include! Hmm .
Friday, October 11, 2019
Final Exam Study Guide Fall Semester 2012 Essay
Why is it said that the U.S. has a dual court system? There is a federal judicial system and 50 state court systems. What is the meaning of the concept of jurisdiction? A court has the right to hear a particular type of case. What is the meaning of the doctrine of â€Å"presumption of validity?†Courts must assume that, unless the burden of the evidence is clearly to the contrary, legislatures would not enact or executives sign into law measures which violate the constitution. What is the meaning of the term â€Å"stare decisis?†? Legal term meaning let the decision stand. Establishes precedents stand unless overruled. Judges may overrule if they have compelling reasons to establish new precedents. What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony? An anti-social conduct that is relatively minor is called a misdemeanor. A felony is a disorderly conduct that is more severe. What happens in the event of a conflict between a state law and a Federal law or a state law and a U.S. treaty? Federal law overrides state law any day. What is meant by â€Å"judicial activism?†Interpretation of the constitution holding that the spirit of the times and the needs of the nation can legitimately influence judicial decision. â€Å"Judicial self-restraint?†a self-imposed limitation on judicial decision making How are Federal judges chosen? Federal judges are nominated by the president and voted on by the senate. What is the term of a Federal judge? Term ends when justice dies. Why has the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee come under fire for the manner in which it â€Å"screens†appointees to the U.S. Supreme Court? Justices are declined if they politically go against the senate. Why did the committee reject Judge Robert Bork as a Supreme Court justice? He did not politically agree with the democratic run senate. What does it mean that Senators Joe Biden, Ted Kennedy and Howard Metzenbaum â€Å"borked†a Supreme Court nominee? They voted against a justice because of their political party. What was the nature of the political uproar over the nomination of Clarence Thomas to be a Supreme Court justice? He was accused of sexual assault. Who is Anita Hill? A law professor who accused Clarence Thomas of sexual assault. What are the provisions of Article III of the U.S. Constitution regarding the Federal judiciary? It establishes the judicial branch of the federal government. It establishes jurisdiction between the courts based on subject matter or the nature of the parties. It declares that the power of judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme court. There is no specific provision anywhere in article III giving Federal courts the power of judicial review. What was the importance of Marbury v. Madison? The case that established judicial review. What is judicial review? Review by the Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act. What, if anything, can be done to overturn a U.S. Supreme Court decision? Nothing can be done unless it involves amending the constitution, or if the court rules on something that contradicts a previous ruling. Who controls the Supreme Court’s docket? The supreme court itself does. What is the â€Å"rule of four?†The supreme court only hears cases if it grants a writ of certiorari. Where consent of four justices are given. What is a writ of certiorari? A common law writ issued by a superior court to one of inferior jurisdiction demanding the record of a particular case. What is the primary role of the U.S. Court of Appeals? To hear and dispose of the vast majority of cases appealed from the district courts. What are U.S. District Courts? General trial courts of the united states federal court system that hears both civil and criminal cases. When would a Federal District Court have jurisdiction in a case? If a case involved crimes against the united states, suits under national laws involving use of the mails, patent, copyright, trademark and other such technical matters and civil rights laws. What is the difference between a â€Å"petit†and a â€Å"grand†jury? Petit juries have 12 members who decide, based on evidence, if the defendant is guilty or not guilty. Grand juries indict people. Its functions is to decide if the government has a case or not. How are they chosen? Through a jury pool from those serving jury duty. What are their respective functions? To decide if the government has a case, and to decide if the defendant is guilty or not guilty. Also if a person has won or lost a lawsuit. How do cases reach the U.S. Supreme Court? Through appellate and original jurisdiction. Mostly from appeals though sent from the court of appeals. Under what limited circumstances may the U.S. Supreme Court exercise original jurisdiction? When it accepts a suit if it feels a compelling reason to do so. Who determines the appellate jurisdiction of the U.S. Supreme Court? What are some of the political and ideological considerations involved in U.S. Supreme Court appointments? Generally their party affiliation and how they interpret the constitution. Does race, gender, religion, ethnicity matter in a President’s nomination of a Supreme Court justice? Yes. Who are the present nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court? What are their backgrounds? John G. Roberts Jr., Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy, Clearance Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Steven G. Breyer, Samuel Anthony Alito Jr., Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan. RELIGION Why did the authors of the Bill of Rights put religious freedom first in the First Amendment? It is more of an article of peace. It was mainly to remove religion from politics. What are the â€Å"wall of separation†and â€Å"accommodationist†positions on the Establishment Clause? Wall of separation believes that church and state should be entirely separated. No affiliation between the two. Accommodationists believe that no religion should be favored, but all should be accommodated. Why have Americans had fewer problems with the â€Å"Free Exercise†Clause than with the â€Å"Establishment†Clause? Free Exercise clauses are only in effect if the religions practices don’t get in the way of any laws. Establishment clauses include clauses that excuse kids from school to go to church, this was very controversial because atheist children were left out. Much more controversy in establishment clauses. What are some of the issues raised by groups like the Amish (Wisconsin v. Yoder), Jehovah’s Witnesses and other religious minorities regarding interpretation of the â€Å"Free Exercise†Clause? These allowed laws to be bent for people of certain religions. Wisconsin v. Yoder allows Amish children to be excused from school at 8th grade vs. the age 16. Jehovah’s Witnesses are allowed to be exempt from the draft due to their pacifism. Why did the U.S. Supreme Court rule against prayer in the public schools in the New York Regents prayer case (Engel v. Vitale, 1962)? It was said that New York could not write prayers. It is unconstitutional to do so. What was the nature of Madalyn Murray’s objections to the Maryland school prayer/Bible readings law? Her son was left out. Also she was athiest and she viewed the bible as merely a storybook. Why did the Schempp family object to the Pennsylvania law? They felt it was in direct violation of the establishment clause in the first amendment, also it theologically went against the Schempp’s Unitarian views. What did the Supreme Court rule in the companion Murray-Schempp decision of 1963? It ruled 8-1 striking down both the Pennsylvania and Maryland laws requiring prayer. Under what circumstances may students have prayer at their high school graduation ceremonies? As long as it’s student-led and is non-sectarian. May students form prayer and Bible study groups and use public school facilities for their meetings? Yes. What was the Equal Access Act of 1984? It required public secondary schools to allow religious groups to meet on school property if other groups exist. Even if one group is allowed to use the facilities, the school becomes a limited open forum where all groups can use the facilities. What did the Court rule when it was challenged in the 1990 Mergens case? 8-1 upholding the law. May public college officials deny use of campus facilities to religious groups for Bible study and prayer meetings? No, it is discriminatory. One of the most controversial areas is that of â€Å"parochiaid,†or state aid of various types to parochial schools. What three-part test did the Supreme Court devise in Lemon v. Kurtzman? It was called the Lemon Test where there must be a secular purpose rather than a religious purpose, the law cannot advance or inhibit religion, and government cannot be entangled in it. What was the fate of the law, challenged in Lemon, authorizing partial payment (secular subjects only) of teachers’ salaries in parochial schools? It was stricken down. May state and local school districts finance bus rides for children attending non-public schools (Everson v. Board of Education of Ewing Township, NJ, 1947)? Yes. What is the â€Å"child benefit theory?†The law aids the school child rather than a particular religious group. What did the Court rule in June, 2002, in the landmark Cleveland, Ohio, School Voucher Reform Case, Zelman v. Simmons-Harris? It held that 5-4 that Cleveland program did not offend the establishment clause. Can public school students, on parental request, be released from class to attend religion classes, conducted on public school property, during the school day, where the program is supervised by public school administrators (McCullom v. Champaign, Ill., Board of Education)? No, it is not viewed to be abiding by separation of church and state laws. Can students, on parental request, be dismissed from classes to attend churches or synagogues, as part of a program of religious education in public schools (Zorach v. Clauson)? Yes. Under what circumstances are courts likely to uphold or declare unconstitutional nativity displays on public property at Christmas time? Whether or not other religious symbols are there to balance it, also secular symbols like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. What did the Supreme Court rule in Donnelly v. Lynch? It upheld the nativity scene on the basis that both religious and secular symbols. County of Allegheny, Pa. v. ACLU? The court concluded that the nativity scene with the words â€Å"glory in the highest†was promoting Christian religion, but the menorah was okay. In the area of free exercise of religion, can children of Jehovah’s Witnesses be expelled from public schools for refusal to salute the American flag? Yes. Why do the Witnesses object to flag salutes or standing for the national anthem? They believe it violates one of the 10 commandments. What did our highest court rule in Minersville, Pa., School District v. Gobitis? 8-1 stating that one could not refuse to pledge allegiance to the flag. West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette? The court reversed itself, saying it was okay to excuse one’s self from saluting the flag or standing at the national anthem due to religious beliefs. How did the Supreme Court broaden the rights of conscientious objectors during the Vietnam War? It allowed any passifists who were against not only one war, but all wars to be exempt from the draft rather than just religious passifists. What did the Court rule in the Seeger, Welsh and Gillette cases? Seeger ruled that a belief in a traditional God or religion was unnecessary in order to be exempt. Welsh held that humanistic conviction was equivalent to religion. In Gillette held that one must be opposed to all wars in order to be exempt. What did the Court hold in the Mormon polygamy case (Reynolds v. U.S.)? They ruled against it. Polygamy is illegal in Utah. Why did the Roberts Court grant a religious exemption from some civil rights laws in Hossana-Tabor v. E.E.O.C. (2012)? The separation between church and state allows this. EXPRESSION (SPEECH AND PRESS) There are a number of theories about how the First Amendment’s free speech and press guarantees ought to be interpreted. What is the â€Å"absolutist view,†held by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the late Justices Hugo Black and William O. Douglas? They rejected line-drawing, what the law says goes in a literal sense. â€Å"when it says no law, it means no law. The â€Å"two-tier theory,†associated with the late political philosopher Alexander Meiklejohn? The press may say anything about the government. The â€Å"line-drawing†position, held by most judges? Establishing a number of standards to guide them between permissible and impermissible forms of free expression. What is meant by the â€Å"preferred freedoms†concept? First amendment freedoms should be given potential treatment by the court because they are essential in a democratic society. What is â€Å"commercial speech?†Speech done on behalf of an individual or a co mpany in order to produce a profit. Why did John Stuart Mill oppose censorship in his classic work, On Liberty? John Stuart Mill believes that the majority should not always influence the minority because if the majority is wrong, then the truth goes unheard, but if the majority is right, then the minority doesn’t understand why they are wrong. What is the argument against the suppression of ideas that we find not only unpopular, but even hateful? All ideas must be allowed, even if those ideas are sexist, racist, or angering. If, as judges say, the line must be drawn somewhere and free expression is not an absolute value, then what guidelines have they used to draw that line? Anything can be said, even violent things, as long as there is no evidence of intention to commit lawless acts. The right to swing your arms ends right as my nose begins. What is the â€Å"clear and present danger doctrine†(Schenck v. U.S.)? Enacted during WWI which created the Espionage act, where nobody could say anything that interfered with allied war efforts like encouraging young men to dodge the draft, or any other armed forces recruiting. The â€Å"evil tendency test†(Gitlow v. New York )? The government does not protect the expression which created a tendency toward illegal actions. The â€Å"clear and probable danger test†(Dennis v. U.S.)? The law prohibited the advocacy to overthrow the U.S. government and the conspiracy as well. What did the Supreme Court rule in the Smith Act cases of the 1950s? it is illegal to violently overthrow a government. 70 communists were convicted after this was established. What was the significance of Yates v. U.S.? Mere theoretical advocacy to overthrow the U.S. government by force and violence was a judicially protected right. What is the difference between liberty and license? Liberty means freedom under law ( the right to do something as long as nobody is hurt.) License is an abuse of liberty( such as libelous publication or slanderous speech). What is meant by the doctrine of â€Å"no prior restraint†on publication? A doctrine that states that published material does not have to be pre-screened in order to be published and viewed by the public. What was the significance of Near v. Minnesota? The court ruled that the press gag law was unconstitutional due to the fact that it restricts freedom of the press. New York Times-Washington Post v. U.S.? These newspapers published pentagon papers that were a study of the U.S. decision making in the Vietnam War. It embarrassed the President and the government. This resulted in the lifting of the district court’s restraining order on the press due to the failure to prove that publication of the documents jeopardized national security. How and when can First Amendment values collide with those of the Sixth Amendment? The right of the defendant in a criminal case to a fair trial by an impartial jury of his or her peers. Sometimes, judges have concluded, the press has cond ucted trial by newspaper. What are restrictive orders, called â€Å"gag orders†by the media? The court’s force of the media to withhold certain information from being published for varying circumstances that may hinder a current court case or could cause damage to someone’s (possibly the government’s) reputation What steps can trial judges take to protect the rights of the accused? Through â€Å"right to reply laws†, closing court rooms to the media, and implementing gag orders on certain subjects. Do reporters enjoy a â€Å"privileged†relationship with their sources? The supreme court says no, but there are shield laws that allows reporters to withhold certain information. What is the meaning of the phrase â€Å"burning the source?†Giving up the identity of a journalist’s source so that person can be questioned in court. Can reporters be held in contempt of court and jailed for refusal to turn over notes, tapes, or to offer testimony when so ordered (Branzburg v. Hayes)? Yes What, in theory, is the problem with â€Å"shield laws?†Some believe that it is a mistake to let the government grant immunity, this implies that the state can also withdrawal it. Can judges close their courtrooms to the press and public during preliminary proceedings (Gannett v. DePasquale)? Yes. Can judges close down a trial itself, excluding media and public (Richmond Newspapers v. Virginia)? No, the right to attend criminal trials is implicit in the grantee of the first amendment. Do television cameras in the courtroom prevent the defendant from receiving a fair trial? Sometimes, in the pre-trial stage, the jury is permeated with information about the case that will not allow a fair trial. What did the Supreme Court rule in Estes v. Texas and Chandler v. Florida? The overturning of the swindling conviction of petitioner Billy Sol Estes, holding that his 14th Amendment due process rights were violated by the publicity associated with the pretrial hearing. For Chandler v. Florida Canon cameras and electronic media are permitted in the judicial proceedings subject to the control of the presiding judge. When are TV cameras permitted in the courtroom today? Always, but it can be taken away by the presiding judge’s accord. What is the situation with respect to Federal courts? Cameras are not allowed in federal courts. Do political candidates have the â€Å"right to reply†to editorial attacks by the media? Yes. What happened to the Florida law giving them such a right when it was challenged in Miami Herald v. Tornillo? It was immediately stricken down because a newspaper involves a â€Å"crucial process†of editorial judgment that may not be regulated by the state. What is meant by â€Å"symbolic free expression?†Expressing ideas by silent, non-verbal communication. What did the Supreme Court rule in the draft-card burning case (O’Brien v. U.S.)? It was criminally illegal. Tinker v. Des Moines? Wearing black arm-bands in protest of Vietnam could not be outlawed because this form of expression is silent and caused little disruption. Do Americans have the right to burn the flag? Currently, Yes. What did the Supreme Court rule in Texas v. Johnson? It is legal free speech to desecrate a flag. U.S. v. Eichman? Flag desecration is a form of constitutional free speech. What was the fate of the Flag Protection Amendment? It fell 1 vote short with 66 for and 34 against. Only 3 republicans opposed it. How did Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton vote on the measure? They both opposed the amendment. What are â€Å"fighting words?†Inflammatory speech inviting violence, which are not protected by the 1st and 14th amendments. Calling a policeman a fascist is an example. What is â€Å"hate speech?†Speech that arouses anger, alarm, and resentment toward others on the basis of race, gender, creed, color, and religion. What did the Court decide in R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul (1992) and Virginia v. Black (2003)? Supreme court ruled that the city statute against cross burning is unconstitutional, it interferes with free speech rights. For Virginia v. Black, the court ruled that making a law against cross burning is not unconstitutional, but cross burning cannot be considered prima facie evidence of intent to discriminate. What did the Supreme Court rule in Snyder v. Phelps in 2011? Speech on the sidewalk about a public issue cannot be liable for a tort of emotional distress, even if the speech is outrageous. Court ruled 8-1 about it. Should free speech include the right to carry signs reading â€Å"God Hates Fags,†â€Å"Thank God for Dead Soldiers,†â€Å"Thank God for 9-11?†No. Have some universities, such as the University of Michigan and University of Wisconsin, gone too far in banning offensive speech (ethnic and racial slurs), according to the Federal courts? Yes, they are in violation of the first amendment. What is libel? Libel is false printed or broadcast statements that intend to damage someone’s reputation. Slander? False statements made by someone looking to damage someone else’s reputation. What are the main elements which must be established to have â€Å"actionable libel?†defamation, identification, publication, and fault. What are the main defenses used by media in libel cases? That freedom of the press is paramount in a democratic society. What was the significance of New York Times v. Sullivan? It set a standard that one cannot sue a newspaper for libel unless one can address that he/she was the defamed party. What is â€Å"actual malice?†libelous remarks with knowledge that the remarks were false, or that there was lack of disregard on whether or not the remark was true. What is â€Å"hot news†(AP.v.Walker)? news that is current and controversial, but not always journalistically accurate. What is the â€Å"prudent publisher rule†(Butts v. Curtis Publishing Co.)? Publishers must follow the professional standards of journalism. This included verification of facts, particularly when the deadline is less than monumental. What part of the Bill of Rights guarantees American citizens â€Å"Freedom of Assembly?†First amendment.m Freedom of Association? First amendment. Can cities require permits for parades, sound trucks and demonstrations? Yes Under what circumstances? To ensure peace and tranquility. Why did the ACLU argue on behalf of the Nazis in the Skokie, Illinois, case? They believed the Nazi’s potential to incite violence among the Jewish community did not warrant oppression of the right to assemble. Why was the Roberts Court’s 2010 decision striking down part of the McCain-Feingold (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission) so controversial? It allowed corporations to fund ads and movies for and against presidential candidates. How did President Obama react to the decision? He was very mad. He said foreign businesses are going to be funding these commercials now. What impact has this decision had on American elections? It has allowed much more money to be spent on elections. Rich corporations could potentially control an election. What was the impact of the courts striking down the Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Act? It left a lot of people angry. Stating that it was meant to level the playing field, not restrict Free Speech. Those who opposed the law said in a democracy, campaigning is not supposed to be a game.
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