Saturday, August 31, 2019
Isolation in Frankenstein
The Isolation of Victor Frankenstein Isolation and loneliness can do great injustices to the human brain. People are programed to function in cohabitation with others of their kind, to form relationships with them. So, when these relationships fail or seem to be absent from one’s life, the aloneness can ache. In Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the reader sees the developing isolation of Victor Frankenstein, which can be attributed to his personality and upbringing, as well as his unwavering obsession with his scientific success. Certain people seem to have something in their genetic make up which makes them more social than others.These people seem to interact with crowds at ease and, as the social butterflies within their peers, tend to avoid isolation. Victor Frankenstein is not one of these people. It is not necessarily a fault of Victor, but merely a reality. As he would explain, it simply â€Å"was my temper to avoid a crowd, and to attach myself fervently to a few (19). à ¢â‚¬ This personality trait contributed to the increasing isolation Victor became subject to. The few he so fervently attached himself to exclusively included his own family and Clerval, all of whom stayed behind upon his departure to Ingolstadt.Victor explained, â€Å"I was indifferent†¦ to my schoolfellows in general (19). †So, once he was away at school, for the first time feeling the absence of his â€Å"familiar faces†, he felt alone and â€Å"totally unfitted for the company of strangers (25). †Victor’s struggle with his natural â€Å"repugnance to new countenances (25)†led to him feeling truly alone for the first time in his life. Ultimately, the natural ways of Victor combined with his comfortable and domestic upbringing had left him sheltered and timid. This reality made the culture shock of leaving home a lonely one.Another factor that contributed to Frankenstein’s isolation was his fixation on his learning and scientific endeavors. Victor agreed with the theory that â€Å"If the study to which you apply yourself has a tendency to weaken your affections, and to destroy your taste for those simple pleasures†¦ that study is certainly unlawful†¦ not benefitting the human mind (34). †However, this is precisely what his experiments do to him. Victor loses track of time, forgets all his simple pleasures, and neglects all of his other responsibilities. He no longer took time to appreciate nature or keep in touch with his family.He was so engrossed in his work that he said, â€Å"I grew alarmed at the wreck I perceived I had become†, bothered by â€Å"slow fevers and nerves to a most painful degree†(34). Frankenstein allowed his ever increasing desire for knowledge and progress to control all aspects of his life and isolate him from all the outer workings of his world. Even upon the success of all he had been working towards, his isolation grew even more extreme. At that poi nt, he had not only become completely secluded to the instruments of his laboratory, but had created a terrifying creature he feared he would never escape.Victor had become blinded by his scientific curiosity and cut himself off from the world for the sake of accomplishing his goals. He found himself neck deep in worries, feeling utterly alone. Victor Frankenstein subjects himself to isolation throughout the novel. He allows himself, personally susceptible to self isolation, something to fixate on. It is this combination that leaves him missing his family and eventually void of a connection with the world beyond his laboratory. And, as previously stated, the ache of this isolation can do great injustices to the human brain, shoving towards his dismal destiny.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Continuous Assessments Essay
Continuous Assessment is an on-going process of gathering and interpreting information about students’ learning that you use to make decisions about what to teach, how to teach and how well students have learned. Basic characteristics of Continuous Assessments include the following; * It is an on-going process * It comprises of a variety of assessment methods * It gives timely feedback * Its aligned with curriculum and * Its collaborative with students. Some differences between Continuous Assessments and Formal Assessments Continuous Assessments| Examinations| Ongoing in the classroom throughout the year| Usually at the end of a unit, semester, term, year or cycle| Many different tasks| One exam or few tests per subject| Carried out by the teacher| Can be administered by someone other than the teacher| May be developed by the teacher| May be written by persons other than the classroom teacher| Marked by the teacher| May be marked by persons other than the classroom teacher| Teachers use assessment results to improve teaching| Don’t help teacher to identify learner weakness| Are connected to the syllabus being taught| May not be always be connected to what is taught|. General Advantages of Continuous Assessment * Learners will be assessed using different and appropriate assessment methods and this will provide a more valid assessment of the learner’s performance. * Assessment will now take place in an authentic context i. e. the learner will be assessed in a realistic situation, which is integral to the learning process. * During assessment, there will be immediate feedback into the learning process, thus promoting the formative role of assessment. * Opportunities are provided that would be impossible in a once-off external examination. * A variety of skills can be assessed by internal assessment, which otherwise would not have been considered for assessment purposes. * Assessment is on-going and therefore learners are compelled to work consistently and this will contribute to re-instating the culture of teaching and learning. * The educator who works closely with the learner will now carry out judgment of the learner’s performance. Specific Advantages of Continuous Assessment to the Learners * Monitor student progress * Develop study behaviour * Identify misconceptions * Motivate improvement Have realistic expectations. Specific Advantages of Continuous Assessment to the Parents * Involve in monitoring child’s progress * Understand student’s strengths and weaknesses * Strengthen learning partnership with school Seek assistance for their child Specific Advantages of Continuous Assessment to the Teachers * Evaluate effectiveness of their lessons * Modify teaching strategies * Improve judgments about what students have learned for final grades Evaluate effectiveness of programs How is Continuous Assessment Used? Continuous Assessment is usually used for the following Formative purposes; * Diagnosis: identify skills that students can do. * Diagnosis: identify errors that a student is making * Help decide how to change the lesson / unit plans * Provide students with practice * Help decide where to begin teaching * Modify students’ behaviour Continuous Assessment is usually used for the following Summative purposes; * Grading and promotion * Assigning final grades * Selection of students for programs * Provide superiors with data * Give awards (formally or informally) for work well done / effort made * Student classification Some Concerns of Teachers * Continuous Assessments is time consuming and requires a great deal of preparation and record keeping * A few students do not do well on projects during the term, but do well on final examinations; the zero on projects brings down their final grade * Some students are de-motivated when they do not see the rate of progress they anticipate * Lack of trust that the assessment tasks, such as projects and home work assignments that are not done under good supervision are the students’ own work *. Students seem overwhelmed with so many school-based continuous assessments that count towards their final grades, if every subject gives a project or a term paper, that’s a lot of work * The marks from continuous assessment are inconsistent across teachers Some Examples of Alternative Assessments * unseen written examinations * Seen written examinations * portfolio development * essays * projects * strategic or business plans * fieldwork * literature searches * journal article analysis/critiquing * oral presentations * dissertations * book, article, multi-media material reviews * laboratory reports * case studies * group/team work * audio/video tape production.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Empowerment Of Chinese Women Education Essay
IntroductionThis chapter aims to sketch the methods and methodological analysis used to transport out this research and intends to underscore the advantages, complexnesss and restraints of my chosen processes. This ethnographical research besides seeks to detect the ways in which Chinese adult females manage to put themselves onto a way to authorization and the jobs and successes experienced along the manner in relation to their community ‘s cultural beliefs and patterns. Malinowski asserts that: â€Å" One of the first conditions of acceptable Ethnographic work surely is that it should cover with the entirety of all societal, cultural and psychological facets of the community, for they are so interwoven that non one can be understood without taking into consideration all the others. †( 1922: sixteen ) By taking this position into consideration this research, hence, intends to foreground the relationship between the State and the Chinese people and how instruction can assist to relieve some of the jobs experienced on both a local and national degree. It does non mean to do generalizations from the informations collected but instead to supply a snapshot position of where China is developing successfully with respect to female engagement in instruction and other public domains.The research journeyMy involvement in this field of research came approximately as a consequence of a new enterprise to open franchises of our school, the Girls ‘ Day School Trust ( GDST ) , in China. An chance arose for some of the staff to take portion in a instructor exchange for a twelvemonth to work in a Chinese international school and I was particularly acute to be a possible campaigner. I besides have experience of working with a twosome of misss who were adopted from a Chinese orphanhood and this , together with my career for instruction, heightened my involvement in the experiences of misss and adult females in Chinese schools. The possible prejudice that I may convey to this survey could integrate elements such as the relationship I had with the aforesaid household. My positions about the ways in which kids are treated in the orphanhoods could take me to hold the sentiment that all misss have a similar experience in China and are all, hence, to be ‘sympathised ‘ with before holding met them. This would besides hold prevented me from being impartial when questioning the Chinese males. As the research worker, this would besides hold positioned me unfavorably in that I will already hold placed the participant in a subjugated place themselves accordingly reproducing the stereotyped position of submissive Chinese adult females. To antagonize this I have looked really carefully at the ways in which I have posed my questionnaire and interview inquiries in order to non take the participant or set my point of view across. Bing a female research worker besides has the potency for prejudice to be in that I may favor female experiences and see them as unfair and wholly the mistake of the male population. For this ground, I besides interviewed Chinese males in order to supply a comparable profile against which adult females ‘s experiences may be gauged. My ain cultural background as a first coevals immigrant from Bangladesh may besides come into drama as it was preponderantly for the instruction and life style that my parents moved here. Chinese international pupils may hold the same aspirations and so here, excessively, there is room for deficiency of nonpartisanship which may act upon the analysis of my findings. Lang remarks on the interesting place a research worker has as the alien saying that: â€Å" The disadvantages of a survey by a alien are obvious. Less obvious are its advantages. The foreign perceiver is non hampered by the psychological prejudices which may at times block or even wholly thwart a â€Å" native †survey. There is, of class, the danger of replacing native biass with imported 1s, for the visitant is disposed to see the society he is analyzing as a reproduction of his ain. If this danger is avoided by methodological watchfulness and self-criticism, the foreign research worker is given an unusual chance to do a productive analysis. †( 1946: seven ) This is rather an of import component to recognize due to the cultural differences involved. The methods used hold given me pertinent ways of look intoing in that even though I am showing the inquiries the participant is ever in control of what is being said, holding been given entree to the inquiries before meeting. Furthermore, Henwood ( in Woodward 2000 ) asserts that ††¦ scientific research can ne'er be entirely impersonal, disinterested, or value-free because the procedure of cognizing ever begins in the concrete contexts and material conditions of people ‘s lives, together with the point of views, positions or apprehension of the apprehender. †This places the research worker, who is an ‘outsider ‘ , in a place of ‘power ‘ and could impact on the manner in which the research is carried out. However, as this survey is focused around the subject of authorization it is necessary to hold every bit small influence as possible over the responses given by participants as any additions might be negated.Concerns of methodological analysis and methodThe research undertaken in this survey have used both data-gathering and data-analysis methodological analysiss in that the former involved directing out questionnaires every bit good as transporting out int erviews whilst the latter involved the statistical analysis of bing informations within other people ‘s research. It is preponderantly qualitative in character instead than quantitative but there will be some mention to statistical informations from other published resources. It allows me to research complex issues and experiences and does non seek to over-simplify the informations gathered hence qualitative methods have been more appropriate in this context. Analyzing the responses of merely a little figure of persons has resulted in a small-scale research but this allowed for research in existent life scenes and permitted a grade of flexibleness in informations aggregation in contrast to quantitative research which requires the mass aggregation of informations from as broad a sample as possible. Validating research is of class extremely of import in doing one ‘s work credible or else it risks going unscientific ( Hammersley 1990 ) . Troubles in retroflexing this signifier of research may be disputing but does non do the information either less existent or experienced. Woodward ( in Trumans et al 2000 ) discusses the features of qualitative research and how this signifier of research additions farther cogency via the fact that can be viewed as being strictly nonsubjective research whilst other observers may state that this type of research is subjective and has the potency to hold excessively much read into it. There is besides the job of the ‘reality ‘ presented in the findings as this can be interpreted in many ways by different people hence leting room for misunderstanding or multiple readings. However, it need non follow that the research is less believable. The research worker is able to put the scene by saying the point of position from which they are detecting this survey so that the reader is presented with a lens through which they can see the research. This should be less of a job if the research worker has already positioned themselves and acknowledges their ain potency for prejudice. Once this has been declared the research worker ‘s occupation can be made clearer and more focussed.Rationale for taking participantsThe reappraisal of related literature in Chapter 2 together with the theoretical model on authorization has identified specific groups of marginalised misss and several agencies by which societal exclusion constructs these groups therefore forestallin g them from accessing instruction and their ain way to empowerment. To farther aid this survey I will be analyzing related published paperss that emphasise the connexion between the State, registration figures and educational attainment and their relevancy in how State intervention can hold both positive and negative results. This survey will besides analyze personal experiences of instruction, societal exclusion and authorization from a scope of Chinese subjects populating in the United Kingdom every bit good as in China via the usage of an on-line questionnaire. From this group I have selected two people to interview to organize my instance analyze – two females from an urban and rural country. The relationship between these two chosen participants and their positions on household life was closely examined with peculiar mention to instruction and female authorization as a agency of deriving some penetration into the chief jobs and issues originating from them. The participants have been collated via the aid of pupils at London universities and contacts via parents and staff within the constitution I work for. Finding willing participants was one of the obstructions I faced when get downing my research so the usage of a â€Å" gatekeeper †was indispensable. This refers to a individual â€Å" who can assist the research worker with the critical concern of deriving entree to the necessary fieldwork puting †( Denscombe 2007: 71 ) . In this survey, the gatekeeper was the Chinese pupil contact I knew through my school and who helped me to happen willing participants. Some bookmans argue that the relationship that the gatekeeper has with these contacts may hold an influence over the character of the probe. Denscombe discusses how this frequently occurs where patrons or sureties are involved. The gatekeepers involved in this survey knew of other Chinese subjects who would be able to take portion in my research and did non hold any patron or surety function to play so I am confident that the sentiments given were true. On a positive note, Denscombe discusses the place of trust which the gatekeeper is placed in by both researcher and participant so this excessively would hold a positive influence over the type of informations I collated. Due to the troubles experienced in happening participants to help my research, I felt it necessary to utilize all the people who responded to my electronic mails together with responses from all parental contacts. This accordingly became a suited signifier of sampling and is hence an illustration of non-probability sampling. They do non all have something in common. However, this survey is non intended for the intent of generalization but instead to supply a glance into existent success narratives and how they might possibly supply suggestions for policy alteration for people in similar places.Ethical ConsiderationsPermission was sought earlier and questionnaires and interviews took topographic point. Participants were besides informed that they were able to retreat from the survey at any clip. Not follow up respondents who did non wish to take part further than the on-line questionnaire. Assurance was given of this research being for my ain personal usage to guarantee that it was no n mistaken for the assemblage of information for other intents. Sensitivity was a cardinal component in this research. The Chinese community is a really private community hence my trouble in obtaining willing participants. Participants may non hold wanted to unwrap whether they were originally from an urban or rural country to me so alternatively I asked which state and town or small town they came from. The demand for privateness, namelessness and confidentiality was particularly of import as this signifier of oppugning resulted in responses which shared personal information and some unfavorable judgment of the manner things are governed in China.Data Collection processsDocumentsThis survey will do usage of a figure of literature beginnings, including mention to allow authorities publications, diaries, studies and books. Internet resources published by the World Bank, UNICEF and DFID will besides be referred to. I will be utilizing the GMR 2010 information on school registration figures and educational attainment degrees as a starting point. Thi s might let me to estimate the kind of informations being released by China and inquiry how dependable it can be.Online questionnaireIn the first case, an online questionnaire was used to derive as broad a sample as possible of sentiments from Chinese international pupils at London Universities every bit good as the few contacts I had in China but this was a really little sample from which it would non hold been possible to pull distinguishable decisions. Dalsimer and Nisonoff ( in Visvanathan et al 1997 ) noted some research which besides used Chinese pupils as an illustration of successful resistance to State policies and intercession. This gives proof to my chosen cohort of participants. Prior to the questionnaire being sent out I emailed a transcript of my inquiries to the gatekeepers so that they may go through them on to the possible participants. This had advantage of guaranting a higher figure of participants due to the fact that they could be certain that there were no ‘surprise ‘ or uncomfortable inquiries. It besides meant that participants had the chance to give the inquiries some idea before shiping on the elaborate on-line version and gave me a grade of certainty about the dependability of the informations. The nexus for the online questionnaire was sent in an electronic mail via the gatekeepers. This electronic mail besides contained within it an lineation of the type of subjects to be covered in the questionnaire. Some of my contacts in China could merely pass on via electronic mail and non by on-line study so I emailed a simpler version of the online questionnaire to them alternatively to promote maximal engagement. Brown and Dowling ( 1998 ) outline the serious restraints a research worker faces if entirely utilizing questionnaires. Electronic mail references were requested at the terminal of the questionnaire to let for follow up where permission/email reference has been granted. The questionnaire nexus was sent out by an familiarity through the constitution for whom I work. This person is analyzing at post-graduate degree at another London university and was in a place to assist happen Chinese pupils for my research. Equally far as was possible, they tried to happen me participants from both urban and rural China but this proved highly hard. The intent of the questionnaire was to dig deeper into personal experiences of China ‘s instruction system and the kinds of barriers ( teacher outlooks, parental influences and determinations taken, deficiency of school installations ) or signifiers of societal exclusion encountered every bit good as a agency of happening interesting people to instance survey in item. It was besides intended as a manner of garnering informations about the more general experiences of Chinese young person sing their gendered upbringings and success in going internationally nomadic. All participants were over the age of 18 with the purpose of geting a more experient position of instruction and gender stereotypes in China.Interviews and Case StudiesAfter collating the online questionnaire consequences two Chinese adult females were selected to explicate my instance surveies. I really much keep the same point of view as Gerson and Horowitz who assert that: â€Å" To unknot the complexnesss of large-scale societal alteration, it is necessary to analyze the elaboratenesss of single lives. Individual interviews provide the chance to analyze how large-scale societal transmutations are experienced, interpreted and finally shaped by the responses of strategic societal histrions. †( In May 2003: 200 ) The analysis of such informations would turn out really interesting and worthwhile as it suggests ways in which societal alteration may happen. Another of import factor sing interviews and their positive properties is that they can make what the study or questionnaire can non. It allows the research worker to follow up thoughts and investigation deeper, even if this means diverting from the original set of inquiries. Responses and significances can be clarified at point of contact and so even after the interview ( Bell 2005 ) . Interviews are besides clip devouring and may discourage participants but every bit long as a maximal clip frame was given I found that my participants were more than happy to take portion. Johnson ( in Bell: 2005 ) concurs with this point. Interviews took topographic point via telephone. Any inquiries about the interview were answered before it took topographic point so as to do the participant feel at easiness with the process. Interviews were digitally recorded and so transcribed. My purpose was to happen out the sentiments of those who have experienced Chinese instruction first manus and the ways in which their households, the State and community ( for illustration instructors, other community members ) were involved in the determination devising procedure for the participants ‘ educational hereafter. These have been used in my instance surveies as peculiar illustrations of female authorization in China but it will non be possible for to pull any steadfast decisions from them. This would be an illustration of purposive sampling ( Blaxter et al 2006: 163 ) . I have chosen to utilize the instance survey method of research due to the little sample of participants available to me. However, the instance survey is agrees to be best suited to little scale research ( Blaxter et Al: 2006 ) whilst besides leting me to dig profoundly into the person ‘s experiences. The instance survey attack is besides a really ‘real ‘ method supplying a clear image of person ‘s experiences instead than the bland and impersonal character of informations collected via questionnaires merely. It enables me, as the research worker, to research the complex features of Chinese societal life ( Cohen et Al in Blaxter et Al: 2006 ) , how cohesive the State, household and community are and how these influences and relationships impact on the person. By showing ‘real ‘ people who have experienced empowerment via their ability to entree good beginnings of instruction we be able to pull possible scenarios that might be replicated on a wider graduated table, possibly with the aid of NGOs. This would necessitate farther research with the cooperation of the State. However, it should besides be noted that there are disadvantages to composing up instance surveies in that they are notoriously hard to analyze.TriangulationThis method seeks to formalize one ‘s ain research by comparing it to other published beginnings. I will be comparing my findings with that of Tsui and Rich ‘s ( 2002 ) to detect whether or non adult females are sing authorization and greater degrees of liberty as a consequence of life in an urban country where the one-child policy is purely enforced. Hannum ‘s assorted large-scale undertakings on misss ‘ instruction in Gansu are besides of relevancy. This means of triangulation would let me to see what adult females are truly sing in urban China in order to see how this compares with rural China. It would be enlightening to detect whether Tsui and Rich ‘s research can back up m y findings and if non whether there were peculiar differences originating from the instance surveies which might explicate this.Datas AnalysisThe research has focused on the narrative component of the questionnaires and interviews as opposed to the statistical side but as my sample involved so few people it would non hold been appropriate to make this anyway. I found that the pupil cohort of participants had stronger positions about their upbringings and instruction. Statisticss have been consulted from other published beginnings in order to clear up the current place of educational registration and attainment in China. Datas from the online questionnaires has been presented in a tabulated signifier in order to be able to cross-index and comparison responses with greater easiness. Coding has been used to abridge every bit good as to foreground any similar responses. . Interviews were transcribed from a digitally recorded version and so compared harmonizing to their grouped subjects in order to help the my analysis. These were besides coded and themed. However, this was rather ambitious as the sentiments given were rather wide. An indispensable component of this survey is to analyze the informations given in the instance survey illustrations by comparing and contrasting the assorted sentiments given. The procedure of information analysis will be double. The instance survey findings of the urban participant will ab initio be described and discussed in item whilst being cross-referenced with the findings of the Literature Review and theoretical model. Following this there will be an analysis of the rural participant to measure whether there is a disagreement between these two countries. Differences between the genders will besides be profiled. The findings will besides mention back to the research discussed in the Literature Review. Bogdan and Biklen ( 1982: 145 ) refer to this signifier of qualitative informations analysis as â€Å" working with informations, organizing it, interrupting it into manageable units, synthesising it, seeking for forms, detecting what is of import and what is to be learned, and m ake up one's minding what you will state others. †Restrictions of my surveyThere were restrictions of researching a state with a different linguistic communication to my ain and jobs with accessing translated policy paperss. My ain experience of seeking to entree Chinese diaries and informations have been met with this linguistic communication barrier and so relevant stuff may already be in relation to my research but these are n't accessible by anyone except by those who can talk and read in Chinese. Using Chinese subjects besides highlighted jobs of interlingual rendition and reading. In these instances I was fortunate plenty to be able to clear up replies with the person. Having to trust on merely a few participants besides leaves room for their ain prejudice to pervade the informations. Cross-referencing with the positions of people who took separating the online questionnaire may assist in some ways to chase away this. On a theoretical note, Batliwala ( 1993 ) emphasises the jobs of mensurating authorization as the term 'empowerment ‘ is a combative one and so mensurating it would besides be far from straightforward. Kabeer has outlined ways of mensurating authorization but in China, where cosmopolitan instruction itself is hard to estimate, authorization presented itself as an country worthy of considerable scrutiny. By transporting out this research it may be possible to light the construct of authorization being drawn out from existent life experiences.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Tescos annual report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Tescos annual report - Essay Example Customers bought over two million bags of barbecue fuel in the summer, and Christmas decoration sales were up by over 37% from the previous year. What will be interesting will be to see if this rise in non-food sales across the board will continue to grow on a year-by-year basis, or if at some point they will level off with only small incremental gains to be had. The underlying profit rose from 1832 (in 2004) to 2064 (in millions) (in 2005) and that rise is even more impressive since 2004 numbers were based on a 53 week year and 2005 was based on a 52 week year. The return on capital employed has not been 11% or higher since 2001, but in 2005 it was 11.5%. Earnings per share was also significantly higher and has been growing every year since 2001. In 2005 the earnings per share were 18.30 as compared to 10.66 in 2001. Last years earnings per share were 16.31. The increase from 16.31 to 18.30 represents an almost 17% higher earnings per share in one year. It would seem that the company's objective of focusing on superstores instead of smaller stores is working, especially in the UK. The overall number of stores in the UK dropped from 1,878 to 1,780 while the total sales area (in square feet) went from 23,291,000 to 24,207,000, which is an increase of almost 1 million square feet while closing almost 100 stores. The same scenario was taking place in the company's international markets, with one major difference. The company maintains only 554 international stores but has more square footage that than all the UK stores combined with 24,928,000 square feet. This is a significant difference. If each square foot generates the same amount of sales then international sales in the future are going to be significantly higher than UK sales, with not as much overhead or expenses. The Chairman's statement reflects the company's growth and aggressive style in an optimistic writing. He touts the fact that they have added two new non-executives to the Board, and that both were woman. He, and the company, faces shareholders and a public that are more discerning and political than ever before and has to manipulate the opinions held by those masses to maintain the edge developed over the company's competitors. By adding two women to the Board the company portrays its willingness to facilitate gender equity. The Chairman also touts how much the shareholders benefit from an investment in the company.The Chairman, and the Board, would certainly not wish to see a downswing in investor sentiment, with the resulting sales of shares that would lower the share prices, so he would present even bad news in a way that would seem positive, not that he would have had to with the numbers that Tesco has been generating. The numbers regarding cash flow are also strong. Net cash flow rose from 2,942 to 3,004 from 2004 to 2005 and the stronger number is reflected throughout the entire cash flow analysis. The cash inflow went from a negative (137) to a positive 259 (in millions). The company spent almost the same amount in 2005 as they did in 2004 to acquire tangible fixed assets. The company had less of a decrease in net debt than the year before, but it was still a substantial increase dropping from 4,090 to 3,842. That is a significant decrease in debt. As for the contributions made from each sector, as
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Asian American immigrants and Small Scale Businesses Essay
Asian American immigrants and Small Scale Businesses - Essay Example Many sociologists argue that one of the most important characteristics of Asian American immigrants is the high rate of small business participation. â€Å"The number of minority-owned businesses rose from less than 750,000 in 1982 to more than 1.2 million in 1987, nearly one-tenth of all of the nation's businesses†(Minority Owned Business). However, the growth of small scale industries caused some problems also to the Americans. This paper tries to answer the questions; why do so many Asian immigrants open small businesses and what are the social advantages and social costs of this type of economic activities among Asian Americans. Most of the Asians immigrating to America do not have the necessary educational qualifications to obtain white collar jobs in America. Even educated immigrants may not get a white collar job in America without proper American education. America has certain standards and norms for getting certain jobs and the immigrants need to meet all those norms before applying for professional works. For example, a nurse immigrating to America, need to pass some difficult tests before applying for a nursing profession in America. On the other hand, starting a business is an easy task in America than getting a white collar job. Thus, many of the Asian Americans started to establish small scale business units in America.
Business Week 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Week 2 - Essay Example There is no use for a research problem that cannot be done. Precision in words used is at the core of a good research statement, with the problem being expressed in the initial few words. Editing of writing includes careful choice of words, clarity of expression, expression of thoughts in full with minimal word use, use of a thesaurus, maintaining short sentences, and rewriting as often as required with alertness for modification. (1). The first additional benefit that a thorough is that it boosts confidence through several factors. These factors include enhanced knowledge on the subject and the understanding that there have been others who have demonstrated interest in the topic by the investment of time, effort and resources in studying it. Another benefit is that it reveals sources of data that may not have crossed the mind. An example of this is that in going through articles on the subject the literary references provide additional sources that may not have been considered. Among the difficult areas of a research are the methodological and design issues. A third benefit of a thorough review of existing literature is that the manner in which similar studies handled these issues could be the means to resolving methodical and design issues. 3. Sometimes students believe that taking the time to prepare a complete and carefully designed research proposal is something to be preached, but not really practiced. Identify at least two different problems related to research design that are commonly encountered when doing research. For each problem, explain how a complete and detailed research proposal would help the researcher avoid the problem? Employing improper data collection tools and the lack of application to ethical issues are two commonly occurring problems related to research design. There are several data collection tools like questionnaires, interviews, and the like,
Monday, August 26, 2019
Construction Related topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Construction Related topic - Essay Example In an online source, Wikipedia, it states that "Before this time bricks were generally made as close as possible to their point of intended use (it has been estimated that in England in the eighteenth century carrying bricks by horse and cart for ten miles over the poor roads then existing could more than double their price)." Woody Harrelson says in the movie Indecent Proposal (1993), "A common, ordinary brick wants to be something more than it is." This statement conforms to the recent developments organised by the Brick Development Association (BDA), who represents the UK brick industry, looks for new and modern ways on how to utilise effectively this versatile construction material. BDA is the working group in developing the codes of practice for clay masonry and pavers units. Continues efforts are employed in exploring new products and mixtures for brick by the group since brick is one of Europe's most popular building materials remain intact. Many researches were conducted to explore different mixtures for brick and managing recycled brick. Recycled clay brick aggregates for use in concrete is one of the by-products of bricks that were experimented.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Company profile and Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Company profile and - Annotated Bibliography Example Customer demographic for this app varies due to location, but mostly serves the middle to high-income individuals who are above the age of drinking. BarChick is made by a team of more than 100 individuals comprising of cocktail and bar industry experts, lifestyle writers, and party lovers among others who contribute ideas in the development of the app. The founder, BarChick, left her job as an event organizer to sample bars in London and other parts of the world for a pay. BarChick App seems to be one of the companies emerging because of the advancement in technology. The company’s app will penetrate the market because of the changing consumer need to look for bars they do not know. BarChick APP does not have a price point making it the most valuable app that brings convenience to most consumers. Its services will penetrate the market if it collaborates with others bar owners and include restaurants as it continues expanding its
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Assessment Individual workbook (70%) 3000 words Assignment
Assessment Individual workbook (70%) 3000 words - Assignment Example For instance, the government’s ‘Mortgage Support Policy Scheme’ supports home owners who have fulfilled the set criteria to pay back their mortgages by offering around 80 percent of total interest assured. This policy will somehow decide part of Bryant homes’ policy; the more individuals who find the money to pay back mortgages, the more houses would be sold but by increasing demand. Economic: The general economic view for the last six quarters has been that of a contracting financial system. Even with the small intensification attained, the majority of sectors of the economy are still suffering from the outcomes of the recession. The result, together with increasing unemployment level, is that individuals have smaller amount money to use, and are likely to spend their restricted resources on necessary products. This invariably indicates that the high-end market where Bryant homes is represented may suffer, which is not the case of lower-end market. Nonetheless, the government has made attempts to ensure ascertain that additional credit is accessible to individuals via the banks â€Å"by issuing bailout funds†(Barlow et al, 2003, p. 139). These developments indicate that the company may have to sell its significant stock of developed houses at prices quite below to what was actually estimated, with the purpose of raising cash and enhance liquidity. Social: The business has started societal campaigns to support learning, secure operational environment and job assurance to the individuals. Social factors play a critical role in influencing the policies Bryant homes adopts since alteration in â€Å"patterns of living may dictate what sort of houses increase in demand†(Pan et al, 2007, p. 190), for instance, family focused houses rather than flats. Technological: The role of technology in the accomplishment of any business in aggressive markets of today cannot be disregarded. The company invested huge amounts during the last year to improve the
Friday, August 23, 2019
Is overpopulation a global crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Is overpopulation a global crisis - Essay Example Another definition of overpopulation is that it is â€Å"the condition of having a population as dense as to cause environmental deterioration and impaired quality of life or a population crash†(Gonzalez 117). These two definitions of overpopulation seem to have some differences as well as some commonalities. First of all, both definitions are based on the fact that overpopulation is based on the fact that there might be too many people as opposed to resources in a given area. This implies that overpopulation occurs when there are more people in relation to the resources available to them for their survival and livelihoods. On the other hand, the two writers are not in agreement about the scope of globalization. Whilst Pitzl defines globalization in terms of countries or geographical regions, Gonzalez views it as a global matter which has an impact on the natural environment. This means that the first definition localizes the idea of overpopulation whilst the second generatio n looks at it as a global problem or issue. Reasons why Overpopulation is a Global Issue In this world, resources and the natural environment are shared. Instead of having a limited access to natural resources, most resources in the natural environment transcend natural borders. ... This often results in pressure over natural resources, pollution, congestion, unorganized development amongst others. Nagel and Guinness identify that overpopulation can be defined in terms of having a population that is above the normal level that a nation or community can hold (111). The standard level of population that a community's resources can support is known as the optimum population (Nagel and Guinness 111). However, when the population goes above the optimum population, there is an increasing pressure on resources and the living standards of the community would begin to decline. Hence, there would be the non-sustainable use of natural resources, and the over-use of elements of the natural environment. This leads to pressure not only on local resources but on the global ecological balance. This is because when natural resources are put to a use that is beyond the normal, there would be some implications for other resources outside the nation or community. Over population ca uses nations around the world to get concerns. This is because population leads to migration. And if there is migration, nations with optimal populations are also affected and they would have to find ways and means of reducing the flow of migrants into their countries. For example, in the case of China which shares a long border with Russia, there is a major threat to the Russian economy and Russian natural resources if the population of China moves further up. This is because when China's population grows, the pressure on Chinese resources would be so high that a section of the Chinese community would have to leave the country in order to find other resources to survive on. This means that Russia would be
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Developing in the relationships Essay Example for Free
Developing in the relationships Essay Once Marco and Rodolpho are in the house and settled down they start to introduce themselves a bit more fully to the family. Marco acts as a father figure to Rodolpho, comes across as down to earth which contrasts with Rodolpho who just Dreams, and has no sense of proportion. Rodolpho is very loud and forward, I have a nice face, but no money. The first sign of trouble arises not long into the cousins arrival when Rodolpho starts to sing Paper Doll. Eddie does not give positive reactions from this. Miller uses visual tension with Eddie rolling up a newspaper and showing an explicit look to show the friction in the house Once the cousins have been there for a while Eddie tells Beatrice that he aint been feelin good. This shows tension between the couple. Eddie admits to Beatrice They bother me since they came. this increases the dramatic tension; is Eddie anticipating that something bad is going to happen? Friction is suggested when Eddie says he Cant talk about it Eddie is not giving Beatrice enough attention and their relationship is on a rocky stage, which is affecting their emotional and sexual relationship. Beatrice is becoming worried about this problem and asks Eddie When am I gonna be a wife again? This is a euphemism and shows the break down in verbal communication between the married couple. Beatrice wants Eddie to confront his problem because of the trouble he is having with expressing his emotions. The failure of communication within the marriage is affecting the physical relationship. Beatrice is feeling ignored and craves the attention of her husband even though he is neglecting her and putting her in the background of his life. On the video the tension between Eddie and Beatrice is very clear as when Eddie is talking about sex he cannot look his wife in the eye and share his feelings. The relationship between the family is showing Beatrice to have developed some jealousy towards Catherine as Catherine is getting more attention from Eddie than she is. The relationships have become implicit and have now more reason to question the developing relationship between Eddie and Catherine to be more than just a father daughter relationship. This developing relationship becomes more apparent near the end of act one when Eddie is on his way home from work and he bumps into Catherine and Rodolpho who seem to be getting on well. Eddie becomes upset at the fact that maybe Rodolpho has won over the affection of Catherine and Eddie has been unsuccessful. Once Eddie and Catherine are alone, Eddie tries to tell Catherine that Rodolpho is using her for an American passport. The audience now question the reality of what Eddie has told Catherine but at the same time we are asking if Eddie is only saying this in hope that Catherine will believe this and dump Rodolpho. The stage directions add to the dramatic tension, as Catherine is smiling but tense. It is as if you can feel the friction in the air. We sympathise with Catherine as she only wants to grow up and Eddie is holding her back and still treating her like a child. Eddie is doing this because he is scared at the fact that Rodolpho is taking his Baby away. But is this fair to Catherine and also to Beatrice? There is a lot of jealousy developing in the relationships; Eddie is jealous of Rodolpho because of the feelings Catherine has for him and Beatrice is jealous of Catherine because she gets more attention paid to her than Beatrice but she will not admit it, Beatrice asks Catherine, You think Im jealous of you honey? I think when reading the script you can see Beatrices plan of getting Catherine out the house. If Catherine marries Rodolpho, the two of them will be out the house and she will be able to have her husband back. Beatrice asks Catherine, You wanna get married, or dont you wanna get married! she tries to make out to her that Eddie will not like Rodolpho but she should have realised by now that If it was a prince came here for you it would be no different implying that no man will ever be right for her in his eyes. Beatrice tells Catherine that she should become more independent and if you act like a baby and he be treatin you like a baby. These are Beatrices hints to make her realise the fact that she is not a child and should not be constantly relying on Eddie. Eddie goes to see Alfieri and from the meeting they have Miller presents Eddie to be irrational and confused. We pity Eddie and feel sympathetic as we can foresee tragedy, as it is inevitable. While Eddie is speaking to Alfieri, Eddie makes Rodolpho out to be effeminate as he can sing and sew. Later that evening when Eddie arrives home there is still friction between Eddie and Rodolpho. Catherine resumes annoyed with Eddie so she torments Eddie by playing paper doll on the phonograph and then asks Rodolpho to dance, knowing that this will torment Eddie by seeing the pair together. Rodolpho recognises the tension and tells Catherine that he is too tired to dance, of trying to calm the situation. Beatrice makes Rodolpho get up and dance but Rodolpho can feel Eddies eyes on his back. While dancing with Rodolpho, Catherine is flaunting her independence and both Catherine and Beatrice are revolting Eddie. Marco and Rodolpho are deferential and recognise the tension and friction that is in the house. Eddie is still trying to show Rodolpho up and prove to Catherine that Rodolpho is effeminate by having a Masculinity contest of boxing. In the Sicilian community the men are always seen to be big, strong, and able to look after and protect the women. By Eddie hitting Rodolpho he tries to show Rodolpho up and make him look weak. Rodolpho gets his own back by asking Catherine to dance. He becomes provocative once he realises Eddies plan. Eddie humiliated Rodolpho by showing to Catherine hes more masculine and then Rodolpho shows Eddie that he can hit him in the stomach but he is the winner overall because he can still get Catherine. The ending of Act one is poignant and creates more visual and dramatic tension than verbal tension, which has been more common so far in the book. Marco shows Eddie that he will stand up for Rodolpho and uses a chair like a weapon and as a silent threat that has more meaning than words. The visual tension lets the audience see and feel the tension. Before now Eddie has felt in charge but Marco has turned things around after the chair-lifting test, Eddies grin vanishes as he absorbs his look. This is dramatically effective in both the script and in the video as the audience can almost feel the tension in the living room. Act one finishes and act two starts. Act two brings about development in the characters relationships. The development is mainly the disintegration of the relationships, but also new relationships are developing. When Catherine and Rodolpho are alone in the house for the first time we see Catherine actually share her emotions and express what she has been feeling. Now we see the closeness of their relationship as Rodolpho now calls Catherine my little girl. This indicates that Rodolpho has taken Eddies Baby and so when he comes home after a heavy drinking session and realises the pair are together, he orders Rodolpho to Pack it up and move out. Catherine wants to move out with him but Eddie will not let her go. Eddie kisses Catherine when she announces she is leaving, As she strives to free herself he kisses her on the mouth. This is wrong and immoral; Eddie is shaming her. But then we see Rodolpho stand up for Catherine. Suddenly Eddie kisses Rodolpho. This is a dramatic change in relationship. At the start of this scene Catherine loves Eddie in a father daughter way, then, by the end of the scene she is staring at him in horror and says, Ill kill you. This is a very emotional scene whereby we see two relationships dramatically change; Catherine and Rodolpho want to get married and have stood up to Eddie, and Catherine has change her feelings towards Eddie and is now frightened by him. This scene makes us question the characters, as we are shocked and embarrassed. With this scene the books drama is more effective as we are able to read what is going on in the house with Rodolpho and Catherine, yet at the same time we can read the stage directions and see that Eddie is staggering along the side walk outside the house after a heavy drinking session. With the play we only see one picture at a time and it doesnt feel very realistic as you dont see the two scenes going on a t the same time.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Death of a Salesman - Discuss the Importance of Dreams in the Play Essay Example for Free
Death of a Salesman Discuss the Importance of Dreams in the Play Essay The American Dream is strongly linked to a consumer culture and capitalism, and this is the main theme of the play. Dreams are the main structure of the play. Dreams can be many things; they can be divided into two types. They can be your hopes and ambitions, fantasies, hallucinations, and can also the dreams in your subconscious mind whilst you are asleep. The American Dream is what Willy bases his life on. The only way for him is up. Dreams seem to motivate the characters actions, they express and explain their past and present behaviour. The American Dream is the most important part in A Death of a Salesman. Willy strives to achieve for himself and his sons, Biff and Happy, to be rich and successful having money to pay off all the bills and not being in debt is the ideal. The American Dream is literally having the best of everything, owning your own car and land, being popular and having the opportunity and qualifications to be successful. All the way through the play Willy strives for The American Dream. He idolizes two people. His name was Dave Singleman. And he was eighty-four years oldAnd old Dave, hed go up to his room, yunderstand, put on his green velvet slippers-Ill never forget-and pick up his phone and call the buyers, and without leaving his room at eighty-four he, made his living. The other is his elder brother Ben who had found wealth colourfully, romantically, by walking into the jungle and discovering diamonds. To Willy therefore success means two things being rich and being popular. Willy strives to the point of obsession to achieve this end. This obsession of The American Dream pressurises Willy to bring up his sons to think the same and like a tree, the branches representing his sons reach up towards this dream and the subsequent pressure it puts on them. Biff begins to doubt The American Dream when he says its me, Im a bum and Im one dollar an hour. Biff realizes that life is not always happy and sometimes you just have to settle with what you have got. Willy still thinks Biff will actually achieve all the aspects of his dream. Biff tries to tell him Pop! Im a dime a dozen and so are you! Willy responds Im not a dime a dozen I am Willy Loman, and you are Biff Loman! Willy will not accept this and tries to shut and block out what Biff is saying. He cannot work out that there are an exceptional few that achieve the The American Dream. Happy is totally absorbed in his fathers dream, and tries to believe that he will achieve it. Happy tells Biff that he cannot be promoted. All I can do now is wait for the merchandise manager to die. He does not appear to be working for promotion and is stuck in a dead end job. The author uses Bernard, Charleys son as a story contrast to the two Loman brothers. Willy refers to him as an aneamic and says although he gets the best marks at school he is not as popular and does not have the personality of Biff and Happy. But the complete opposite happens when they finish school and get into the big wide world. Bernard becomes part of the Supreme Court. Oh, just a case I got there, Willy. Bernard was a hard working school pupil who seemed to have achieved the dream and also got married and had two children. This proves that popularity and a likeable character is not enough for the American Dream. Both Biff and Happy have many hopes and dreams dominated by their father Willy. Biff tries to fulfill his fathers dreams in the beginning. Well, I spent six or seven years after high-school trying to work myself up. Shopping clerk, salesman, business of one kind or the another. This repeats the theme of the play that one cannot live by anothers dream. What the hell am I doing, playing around with horses, twenty-eight dollars a weekAnd now, I get here, and I dont know what to do with myself. Biff is so confused with life because he was brought up to believe that he should be manager of a big company and will always be rich and successful. He seems to like his job in the open space but thinks that he should be earning more money than he is. Happy is like his brother Biff, lost but in a different way. He is thirty-two and is totally absorbed in his fathers dreams and ambitions. Happy continually boasts about his sex life. About five-hundred women would like to know what was said in this room. he tells Biff. Happys dreams are like his bosses. He should be able to build a large estate and then sell it two months after, because he doesnt like it and then start to build another. The two boys hopes and dreams come from their father. They were brought up to want the very best and are force-fed the wrong hopes and ambitions from childhood. The hopes and dreams that the Loman family have, have affected their lives in many different ways. Biff tries to live up to his fathers expectations but seems to realize that he cannot live other hopes. Happy is the only person with a steady job. Even though he is achieving one part of The American Dream he is lonely and keeps telling Linda and Willy Am gonna get married Pop. He is not content because he still wants everything beyond what his job can provide. He seems to still be absorbed in his father dreams. Willy is all talk and never achieves anything. He blames people for his downfalls in life. The only way he thinks he will resolve all of his problems in life is to commit suicide. Hopes and ambitions are extremely important for the people in the play as they are always striving for success. At the end of the play Biff says at Willys funeral He had the wrong dreams. All, all, wrong. Willy needed to accept that he could not live his dreams and had to settle with what he had and make the best of the situation. Willys memories affect the main structure of the play. There are many types of stagecraft to show the difference between the past and present. Lighting is used in the way that in the present times the stage is very dull and gloomy showing misery and unhappiness. The stage is shown as bright and lively at the points of Willys daydreams and hallucinations of the past. Sounds depend on the mood of the occasion, faint and lifeless sounds seem to be in the background when the play is in the present. The tone of the music changes when Willy goes into the past, it appears chirpy and happy. Clouting plays an important role. The clothing also depended on the mood of the character the colours of the dress indicates what temperament they were in. Willy seems to always be in the past, this is because he feels its a refuge from the life that he is really living in and all the problems in it. The flashbacks Willy gets are all describing what happened in the past and show how the other characters were. I got it, Pop. And remember, pal, when I take of my helmet, that touchdown is for you. Biff tries to impress his father; this shows that Biff was always the centre of his life at this time. These flashbacks show the sides of the characters in the play that we have not seen before. The flashbacks also show the way Willy has brought up his two sons. Willy brings Biff and Happy up in the hope that they will fulfil The American Dream, that popularity and good personalities will get them good jobs. This affects them in later life because they still believe that this doctrine will get those good jobs but it can not. Happy depends on the death of others higher ranked than him for promotion rather than his own skills. The past events are never shown as they actually happened, they are shown the way Willy interprets them. Willy seems to distort the event when Biff finds Willy and The Woman in the bedroom in Brooklyn. He does this to try and block out the bad thoughts, and create a past he can hide in from others. Dreams are so important in the play because they seem to link everything together The American Dream, Hopes and Ambitions and Daydreams, Fantasies and Memories. Throughout this play, Miller is saying to the audience that our society, promotes things to strive for that are way beyond the reaches of that person. Peer pressure is mainly what drives us to want more and the best of everything, getting into debt. Miller says that the characters in the play are affected by the dream, The American Dream. Although the play was written over fifty years ago in 1949, it still has relevance today. In the 1950s, capitalism was taking hold after the Second World War; today commercialism still has a powerful hold in the Western worlds culture. I think Miller is telling us to live our lives according to our own dreams and not others.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Causes of Diversity in Organisms
Causes of Diversity in Organisms In order to discuss why living organisms are so diverse it is firstly important to discuss what diversity actually is. By dictionary definition biodiversity, the diversity of living organisms, is the variety of plant and animal life in the world or a particular habitat.(Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2003 revised edition). However in 1992 the definition was clarified for scientific purposes by the United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. It defined biodiversity as the variability among living organisms from all sources, including inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are a part: this includes diversity within species, diversity between species and of ecosystems.( From this definition we can split biodiversity into three separate groups; intra-species and inter-species diversity as well as diversity between ecosystems. Intra-species diversity can be due to two things; an acquired adaptation or a genetic adaptation. Organisms that have adapted to their environment are efficient in maintaining the fundamentals in the continuation of the species e.g. the ability to obtain water, food and nutrients. Other examples are the ability of the organism to reproduce, or cope with varying physical conditions such as heat and light intensity and respond to any of these changes in their environments. Acquired adaptations are those in which the species changes in order to adapt to a change in the environment without any change in genetics e.g. a mutation. An example is the long neck in a giraffe. It is agreed that giraffes have a long neck because long necked giraffes have coped with their environment better then short necked giraffes. They have mated more successfully and now all giraffes have long necks due to the continual mating of long necks and without a mutation occurring. Genetic adaptations are much more complex. They occur from a mutation in the DNA which has allowed one member of the species to be more successful than the rest. This advantage has allowed them to survive and mate, passing on the trait to the next generation, which will also survive while the others die out. Since one in every ten million genes mutate there are many different types of mutations that can occur. A substitution is where a single base changes from one form to another e.g. from AGG to AGC. An insertion is when an extra base is added into the sequence meaning a change in the codon triplets for the rest of the chain. A deletion is when a section of DNA is lost completely again changing the codon triplets. The change in the codon triplets which results in a complete change in the proteins produced is termed a Frameshift. Most mutations would lead to the death any offspring the organism may produce, as the mutation will inhibit the production of vital proteins. Some mutations however are beneficial to the organism, allowing it to gain an advantage over others and survive while the others die out. An example of this would be E. Coli. adaptation to high and low temperatures. E. Coli. was cultured for 2000 generations at 37C, the internal body temperature of Humans, where E. Coli. is most active. Three E. Coli. were then taken from this sample and one cultured at 32C, the second at 37C and the third at 42C. The new cultures where then compared to the older one by forcing them to compete with one another. It was found that the sample cultured at 32C was 10% fitter than the original(it out competed it by 10%) and that the culture grown at 42C was 20 % fitter then the original. This experiment showed that new, beneficial mutations are capable of adapting to new environments in as little as 2000 generations. (Bennet, A.F., Lenski, R.E., Mittler, J.E.(1992). Evolutionary adaptation to temperature I. Fitness responses of Escherichia coli to changes in its thermal environment. Evolution, 46:16-30.) These mutations can occur in many ways. Recombination is the formation of a new allele combination in a gamete, and new allele combinations lead to a mutation. It results from the swapping of genes at the chiasmata. This is where the chromatids are able to swap over, however it is a very delicate procedure as not a single difference in nucleotides can occur or frameshifting would occur. Independent assortment is the process of randomly pairing chromosomes to produce the widest variety of gametes possible during fertilisation. This increases the likelihood of an unusual pairing occurring which may turn out to be beneficial to the species. This may combine with chromosomal swaps to massively increase variation in species. Outbreeding is when the species breeds with similar species from a different habit, to produce an offspring with the characteristics of both parents. The species from the new habitat may be resistant to diseases the original can not fight, or the old species may be able to survive conditions the new can not. When these mate, both of the new positive traits can be passed on, creating a stronger species than before, that can inhabit new environments. Gene flow is the term for the transfer of genes from one population to another. Once all these mutations have occurred it becomes a case of survival of the fittest. If a disease comes along that kills most of the population, but not those that have mutated, then the mutated individuals will breed, creating a stronger version of the species than before. The weakest die and the strongest survive, even if this means 99% of the population dies to leave the few that have mutated. Over time the population will reach its former size, with every individual resistant to the disease. This decreases the gene pool but allows the species to survive and create a new gene pool which will grow. From this example it is clear that the environment in which the organisms live controls the diversity. For example, if land forms and splits up a species into two different locations, then the two will evolve separately and form different characteristics. An example of this is Darwins Finches. These are 14 different, but closely related, species of finches. They are located on the Galapagos Islands and were discovered by Charles Darwin on his voyages. The Galapagos islands are very new islands, formed only 5 million years ago by volcanic action. A species of finch has inhabited each island, evolving from a single ancestor which would have landed on the original volcanic protrusion from the sea. Darwin noticed that each species of finch had evolved separately from the others, developing distinct features to cope with the different environments e.g. beak shape or length, depending on food available on the island.(
Rhetorical Analysis of Artifact: The Ballot or the Bullet Essay
Rhetorical Analysis of Artifact: The Ballot or the Bullet Speech Given by Malcolm X I. Introduction: Though almost half a century has passed, the Civil Rights Movement remains one freshly imprinted in not only the history books of US schools but also in the minds of countless Americans. Albeit, American society has come quite a ways in the acceptance of the individual - regardless of sex, age, creed or ethnicity - prejudices of different sorts are still to be found throughout every one of the united states of America. The Civil Rights Movement fought to overcome the racial inequalities inherent and ingrained in the minds of America's citizens and the government which they oversaw; it was one of the most important eras in the history of the United States of America and for that reason, its leaders and their words are widely studied, remembered and, frequently, revered. One such case of this remembrance is that of Malcolm X's speech "The Ballot or the Bullet." Generally viewed as one of the top ten most significant speeches in American history, one must wonder at what factors have contributed to the speech's longevity and implied importance. For one, the speech was given during the height of this movement and by a greatly influential leader of the time. Yet the speech contains merits all its own that allow it to remain powerful long after its orator has ceased to be. For one, the artifact is filled with forcible and compelling language that would provoke some sort of feeling in anyone who reads it. Furthermore, it utilizes a broad spectrum of rhetorical devices which keep the audience captivated and interested. Howev... at a table doesn't make you a diner, unless you eat some of what's on that plate." Thus, Malcolm X uses his speech to unify the Negroes on two fronts: in the sense that they must stand together against the suppression of the whites and that they must endure their "non-Americanism" amongst the company of one another. Yet, as soon as he has done this, Malcolm X turns to make, what might seem, a paradoxical and fairly non-artistic case as for why the black populace is indeed American. He begins by introducing the non-artistic proof that black Americans were originally slaves, working for the profit of the white man. In this sense, he then uses an enthymeme to equate the United State's current state of wealth to the work of those long-dead slaves; the blacks are therefore responsible for the US being a rich nation.
Monday, August 19, 2019
themeaw Themes and Fate in The Awakening and Madame Bovary Essay
Themes and Fate in The Awakening and Madame Bovary       Kate Chopin's The Awakening and Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary are both tales of women indignant with their domestic situations; the distinct differences between the two books can be found in the authors' unique tones. Both authors weave similar themes into their writings such as, the escape from the monotony of domestic life, dissatisfaction with marital expectations and suicide. References to "fate" abound throughout both works. In The Awakening, Chopin uses fate to represent the expectations of Edna Pontellier's aristocratic society. Flaubert uses "fate" to portray his characters' compulsive methods of dealing with their guilt and rejecting of personal accountability.  Both authors, however seem to believe that it is fate that oppresses these women; their creators view them subjectively, as if they were products of their respective environments.             Chopin portrays Edna as an object, and she receives only the same respect as a possession. Edna's husband sees her as and looks, " his wife as one looks at a valuable piece of personal property which has suffered some damage." (P 2 : The Awakening) Chopin foils their marriage in that of the Ratignolles who, "...understood each other perfectly." She makes the classic mistake of comparing one's insides with others' outsides when she thinks, "If ever the fusion of two human begins into one has been accomplished on this sphere it was surely in their union." (P 56 : The Awakening) This sets the stage for her unhappiness, providing a point of contrast for her despondent marriage to Mr. Pontellier. She blames their marriage for their unhappiness declaring that, "...a wedding is one of the ... ...ate UP, 1969. 881-1000. Delbanco, Andrew. "The Half-Life of Edna Pontellier." New Essays on The Awakening. Ed. Wendy Martin. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988. 89-106. Gilmore, Michael T. "Revolt Against Nature: The Problematic Modernism of The Awakening." Martin 59-84. Giorcelli, Cristina. "Edna's Wisdom: A Transitional and Numinous Merging." Martin 109-39. Martin, Wendy, ed. New Essays on the Awakening. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988. Papke, Mary E. Verging on the Abyss: The Social Fiction of Kate Chopin and Edith Wharton. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1990. Seyersted, Per. Kate Chopin: A Critical Biography. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1969. Showalter, Elaine. "Tradition and the Female Talent: The Awakening as a Solitary Book." Martin 33-55. Skaggs, Peggy. Kate Chopin. Boston: Twayne, 1985.     Â
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Sociology Essay -- Sociology Essays
Sociology is a field which developed over a millennia ago, but it was not until the nineteenth century that it came into the fore as a bona fide social science, in need of its own classification apart from other social sciences. Sociology, 'the study of the process of companionship';(pg.396, Ambercrombie,Hill,Turner), is a discipline, which is not exclusively independent in and of its self, yet borrows from many other disciplines such as: history, geography, and anthropology. 'American sociology is fundamentally analytical and empirical; it proposes to examine the way of life of individuals in the societies … prefers to explain institutions and structures in terms of the behavior of individuals and the goals, mental states, and motives which determine the behavior of members of various social groups (pg.5,Aron).'; A specialization within Sociology is social stratification. This segment of sociology attempts to deal with the structures of any given society and ones' relationship with the institution. 'Social stratification means that inequality has been hardened or institutionalized, and there is a system of social relationships that determines who gets what, and why (pg.11, Kerbo).'; Through various paradigms, and theories we are able to come to a better understanding of social stratification. The paradigm that is most rational to my understanding of social stratification is the critical-conflict. In this paradigm the state embodies the interests of the "common citizen," and mediates between primitive human desires and the rational need for freedom and well being. Conflict theorists view that definitions of norms and values are also a source of conflict over who has the right to create laws and justice. As a consequence, not only behavior but also power relationships become important topics to study. Unlike the structural-functionalist view of society, which views harmony as the basis of order, conflict theorists see conflict as the natural state of social existence. Despite their critical examination of power relations, conflict theorists tend to accept the fundamental existing social arrangements, and instead of arguing for new social systems tend to argue for rearrangement of existing relations. 'This paradigm (critical-conflict) shares with the uncritical-conflict paradigm an image or model of society that considers conflict and... ...ack the essential tools such as: family name, wealth, and networking opportunities. These tools are utilized to gain access to the training necessary to achieve in a meritocracy like the United States. As the Upper Class and the Corporate Class wonder why those on the bottom are not able to 'pull themselves up by their boot straps'; and find solutions to their social, political, and economic predicament. The people on the bottom are screaming the solutions yet the Upper Class and Corporate Class are turning a deaf ear. Bibliography 1.) Abercrombie, Nicholas; Hill, Stephen; and Turner, Bryan S. The Penguin Dictionary of Sociology. Penguin Books.London: 1984 2.) Aron, Raymond, Main Currents In Sociological Thought. Anchor Books: 1968. 3.) Campbell, Ken. Http:// March 1,1999. 4.) Kerbo, Harold R., Social Stratification and Inequality: Class Conflict in Historical and Comparative Perspective. McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc. New York: 1996. 5.) McLellan, David., Karl Marx: Selected Writings. Oxford University Press: 1979. 6.) Tumin, M.,'; Some principles of stratification: A critical analysis.'; American Sociological Review, New York:1954
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Fasion Brand-Zara
Title: Examine the underlying factors in the current success of a well-known fashion brand of your choice and assess the extent to which the brand’s success looks set to continue. Word counts: 1218 This essay will introduce a well-known fashion brand, ZARA, and illustrate the underlying factors in the current success of its company. Meanwhile, it will also evaluate ZARA’s prospective development and provide possible strategic suggestions.Established in 1963, Inditex group is one of the largest fashion retailers, welcoming customers at its eight store formats -Zara, Pull & Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho, Zara Home and Uterque – boasting 5. 618 stores in 84 markets across the world, and operating in textile design, manufacturing and distribution. Figure shows that the subordinate brand of Inditex group, Zara, contributed two thirds of the Group turnover (Annual Report, 2011) and continued to develop in a flourishing tendency.Meanwhile, it has bee n developed in a mushroomed tendency across the world within a short period of time since 1975. ZARA places the customer in the central position of its marketing management and its entire business model, which consists of attractive design follow the fashion trend, manufacturing in a relatively high quality, distribution in an effective way and sales with a worldwide distribution network. (http://www. zara. com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/category/cn/en/zara-I2011/11112/Company).Zara is aiming to democratize its unique concept by offering the latest fashion in relatively high quality at affordable prices. What differentiates Zara’s business model from that of its competitors which lead to success is the turnaround time, and the store as a source of information. Zara’s vertical integration of design, just-in-time manufacturing, delivery and sales, flexible structure, low inventory rule, quick response policy and advanced information technology enable a quick response to c ustomer’s changing demands (Castellano, 1993).To sum up, there are three main factors to ensure the success of ZARA, which are offering the latest fashion items at fair prices, rapidly putting items into market and employing test orders to ensure risk reduction, and realizing a three dimensional development. Firstly, most designers of ZARA are such young people who have the unique creativity, discerning insight, sharp fashion mind with dye-in-the-wood of
Friday, August 16, 2019
Lord of the Flies Essay on Pathetic Fallacy Essay
â€Å"This is our island. It’s a good island. †(Golding 35). Contradictory to this quote, nature is never to be claimed by man, nor is always good- it is man that is controlled by the dynamically changing nature. In Lord of the Flies, William Golding reveals the nature’s beauty and power by personifying the island into a divine sentience that both rewards and punishes civilization and savagery. In allowing the natural elements to influence the boys’ behavior, Golding uses the relationships between the individual boys and the island, with consequences for their actions. The benevolent and generous side of the island’s nature is seen with Simon, the most civilized and humane individual in the group. When Simon walks alone through the forest in chapter 3, his delicate and admiring attitude towards nature is immediately rewarded. When Simon is rushed by the littluns who were frustrated by unsuccessful attempts at raiding a tree of its fruits, he is compensated by â€Å"double handfuls of ripe fruit†(56). Here we see the stark difference in the island’s treatment to the disrespectful and the respectful. Golding uses the island’s personification that rejects those who â€Å"cry nintelligibly†(56) while cherishing Simon’s gentle nature to magnify the island’s abundant, yet unforgiving natural setting. The island’s nourishing treatment to civilization doesn’t end there, as it continues to prove its comforting nature when Simon is alone by himself. After demonstrations of Simon’s respect towards the island- such as when he places fallen leaves back into their places-, â€Å"green sepals drew back a little and the white tips of the flowers rose delicately†(57). Golding uses this adoration of the island towards Simon’s presence to enhance the original gentleness of the island’s atural setting. Nature is emphasized in this particular part of the novel as peaceful and comforting. Golding breathes generosity and gentleness into the island’s personality to magnify and augment its natural beauty. However, despite the island is pleasant and rewarding -it is a â€Å"good island,’ after all- Golding makes sure to reveal the judgemental and punishing side of the island to the savagery of the other boys. The sentience of the island given by Golding is provoked first by the boys- as soon as they get together, they decide to set a fire. Initially starting a rescuation signal fire, the boys end up creating a massive inferno that â€Å"laid hold on the forest and began to gnaw†(44). The pain that the island goes through is reacted towards by the boys with â€Å"shrill, excited cheering†(44). This ecstatic sensation of destruction of nature stimulates the boys’ wild instincts that later evolves into savagery and bloodthirst, that becomes the ultimate key to their self-destruction. The savagery that is launched from the fire, becomes an uncontrollable state of uneasiness the boys experience in the island. Even Jack, the savage hunter, dmits, â€Å"you’re not hunting, but- being hunted. †(53). Golding uses this state of fear to emphasize that the nature is an intimidating, and powerful force that can not be tamed by man. The natural setting of the island is enhanced through this relationship between savage Jack and the punishing island reminds the reader that nature is a force that is far greater than an individual’s power or ego. The boys’ attempts to conquer the island and destroy it only brought their submission into barbarism and a hard lesson that man will either compromise with nature, or else suffer. Golding personifies the island in order to establish silent relationships between the inanimate and actual characters. These relationships enable in many ways for the author to enhance both the beauty and intimidation of the island’s natural settings and give depth to the story’s given physical environment. Furthermore, one must also note the intricate ways the island adores civilization while punishing savagery not only enhances the plot setting within, but creates philosophical sophistication and complexity of characters that enhances the novel’s general completion and execution as a literary classic.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Contradictions of War in the Things They Carried/Real Life
Alison Schiffner Contradictions of war 10/20/12 To most people war is a way that we settle disputes with other nations, but they don’t fully understand the intricate details that go along with it. Its not just about the guns, gernades and tanks, it brings out different aspects of soldiers personalities and I think should be more focused on the hardships that individual and groups of soldiers endure. The horrific situations that soldiers undergo can cause different types of actions that they would take because war is contradictory.Soldiers experience unimaginable stress that can make them appear weak or strong. Which is the biggest contradiction that war presents; war makes you strong and war makes you weak. There are numerous examples which can easily be found in the book The things they carried by Tim O’brien. Two stories that demonstrate it best are â€Å"the man I killed†and â€Å"speaking of courage. †Looking back through history also farther promote s the idea, like when America created the atomic bomb, and started a draft.Tim O’brian was a soldier in the **** he was young and didn’t want to go to war, but he had to. During his term he killed a young vietnemese soldier, even though that’s what he was sent there to do, his kind heart couldn’t forgive himself for doing something so terrible. His gut mistrict to throw the grenade gave him strength, because throwing something at someone with the intent to kill someone is something that majority of people will not be able to follow through with.This burst of courage gave him the strength to save his life. But after he killed him and the adrenalin thinned out in his veins he became weak. This is displayed by the dialogue, which on his part was entirely absent. Kiowa spent six hours telling him he did the right thing and they needed to move out, but Tim sat there staring at the body unresponsive. It shows that the sight of a dead body alone was too much for him to handle. To his platoon he appeared inadequit.Individual soldiers are exceptional demonstrations of the contradiction, looking back at history and the military power as a whole also establishes the inconsistency just as well. America produced the strongest fire power that the world has ever seen when creating the atomic bomb which its sheer power was enough to wipe out a whole city in one blow. The strength that America obtained from the bomb was not seen until after the use, but even during the production fear of American had been greatly increasing. Though our Amunition was top notch.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Being the Only Child Essay
What are the pros and cons of being the only child? There are some options in this subject. Some children feel well withouth siblings but others dream about a brother or a sister. One of the main advantages of being the only child is that your parents pay attention only to you. You are the most important person in their lives. Parents do everything for you. For example, if you want a new toy or some clothes they go to a shop and just buy it for you. Moreover, you have everything for yourself. You do not have to share the room, the computer and any other things. What is more you get more presents or more money. In addition to that, there is no person to quarrel with. You are alone and no one can take your things and do something wrong with them. No one disturbs you. You are a family ‘pet’ and you get all parential love. On the other hand there are also some disadvantages. First of all, the only children are very spoiled and selfish. They are used to thinking that they are the most important people so they must have everything only for themselves. When something is not going according to the way they planned it, they get angry. But it is not all. Being the only child means that parents put preassure on you. You have to still prove that you are the best. You have to het a A for every classroom test otherwise your parents will be disappointed with you. Last but not least, the only child may sometimes feel lonely. Other children can go out with siblings – for example to a disco, to friends or even to school. The only child must go solitary or with friends, although it is not the same. They have nobody who can borrow them some clothes or other things. To sum up, being the only child has many advantages but also a lot of disadvantages. Being such a child can be good, although in my opinion these people feel lonely and sad. Personally, I do not want to be the only child.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
A Life Changing Experience
On the first day of my life, my stomach is already closed and my hair does not seem to be able to do anything. I packed all the pen, paper, notebook and other miscellaneous goods in my brand new blue bag. My mother watched the world wake up while drinking morning tea on the terrace. I put a quick light on my new shoes and checked my hair about three times each time I found a new mistake. My mother shouted at me from the stairs. You miss the bus! Bus. Good Life Change Experience Kim Kelly Manuel American InterContinental University Change Life 2 Abstract This article is an important part of my life, which means the world to me. So I would like to share the experience of marriage and marriage. I will provide information on how I got married today and what I learned from my previous mistakes in my life. And I will also tell us the love for everyone. About a year ago I changed my life, I went to a small town called Kelly in the suburbs of Dublin, Ireland. This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. This beautiful existence will help me see life from a different perspective. I just want to be happy, thank you for what I have, do not open my thoughts, do not consider it a matter of course, and I would like to love everyone. - Change life's experience to death. For people, this means that many different things may not be considered by some people until it approaches them. I know that I have never thought about this before my father passed away. It made me feel very sad when I heard that my father died for the first time. I am 10 to 11 years old. It is not enough to understand why someone wants their own life. I crashed when it happened. I think that it makes sense to change the viewpoint of a person who has experienced similar things when returning from my experience of changing my life. A new perspective is this: When you change, when you are affected by new places and people, the person you leave home is growing and new as you go out. When you raise your eyes from yourself and your needs, you can see the beauty and differences of the people you love clearly, and you can join a larger story that has been moving around you I can. There is nothing to change this reality, but you need to decide whether you believe this or not, it will play a central role in the way you experience daily life. Military life is a very challenging experience of changing life. This is very challenging for me and changes my life. This is the awakening of my life as my grandparents raised them and they did everything for me. Since I am not an independent person, I have doubts about future changes. However, other studies have shown that partners showing long-term survival (no signs of relapse) of breast, prostate, and colon cancer are found to be in similar health status reported by the general population in the UK Anxiety and depression (Edwards and Clark, 2004). This indicates that psychological distress experienced by a caregiver decreases over time as a close r elative is diagnosed with cancer.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Managerial Economics Individual Work1 wk3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Managerial Economics Individual Work1 wk3 - Essay Example Different employee roles and job descriptions should be considered when putting in place an organization structure. The hierarchical organization structure embraces a top-down approach relationship. It is a pyramid-like structure where the organization has few experts who delegate specific roles to the other employees. Managers are the main decision makers and act as head of the different departments within the organization. On the other hand, the contemporary organization structure, different employees are specialists in the different roles they undertake within the organization. It is more of a decentralized structure, and employees are expected to make strategic decisions within their areas of specialty. The contemporary organizational structure is very effective, especially in an organization that deals with the manufacturing of products. It encourages participative management as employees are specialists in different fields such as finance, engineering and customer service. (Hiriappa, 2009).The flow and distribution of the information throughout the organization is made easier, and the functions of the different departments are performed effectively. It in turn leads to quality production of goods and the provision of better services to the customers. Therefore, the organization can meet the demands of the market without compromising on the quality of the products and services. Decision making is paramaount in ensuring that the various departments within an organization perform their roles well and in a co-ordinated manner. In this organizational structure, decision making is fast as employees do not have to wait for others to make decisions. The employee is empowered and is expected to make strategic decisions.It also ensures that time is not wasted and that all activities are finished within the allocated time.Furthermore, there is a
Monday, August 12, 2019
Public Finance Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Public Finance Economics - Assignment Example Firms based in large home markets like the United States and the European Union (EU) should pay great attention to domestic environmental regulations. In contrast, firms from smaller countries like Canada (which is one-tenth the size of the United States), most Asian countries and all Latin American countries should focus primarily upon the environmental regulations of their major customers (usually the "triad" economies of the United States, the EU and Japan). Current paper develops a new conceptual framework which addresses this asymmetry by examining the interactions between government and the firm. In the following section of the paper I examine the relationship between environmental regulations and firms' responsiveness to them providing managerial perspective on compliance to international environmental policies. Paper particularly emphasizes the environmental side agreement of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) linking Canada, Mexico and the United States. NAFTA i s a major breakthrough since it is the first international trade agreement (other than internal EU regulations) to explicitly incorporate environmental issues, and to establish a bureaucracy to administer trade and environment interaction, primarily through the NAFTA Commission on Environmental Cooperation (CEC). NAFTA and the CEC can be seen as benchmarks for analysis of other international environmental organizations and agreements. Further, the discussion of a corporate strategy framework follows with which managers can determine the appropriate choice of strategy in response to both international and national environmental pressures. They can comply with new environmental regulations, but also develop green capabilities which may allow them to outperform competitors on environmental strategy grounds alone. Green strategies may focus on responding strongly to national regulations, international regulations or both simultaneously. In Section 4 we discuss the argument that firms can seek to avoid domestic environmental regulations by moving offshore; the Mexico pollution-haven case. 1. A MANAGERIAL PERSPECTIVE ON COMPLIANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES At the level of the firm targeted by international environmental policies, the corporate response in terms of compliance depends upon its expected economic benefits. These economic benefits can be high or low, as shown on the vertical axis of Figure 1. A second issue (on the horizontal axis) is whether these benefits are driven primarily by expected improvements in industrial performance (e.g., market share, profitability, growth, etc.) or by sanctions associated with non-compliance. In the latter case, it is mainly the strength of the administrative enforcement apparatus which determines compliance. For a discussion on the benefits of compliance, see Barrett (1992), Henriques and Sadorsky (1996), Nehrt (1998), Walley and Whitehead (1994). The four possible managerial responses are the following. In quadrant 1, performance driven compliance prevails.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Prada Brand Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Prada Brand Management - Assignment Example As detailed from its actual output, with Prada there is a need for the combination of creativity, innovation, fashion and fresh idea of what prestige is all about. This shows the target market niche how Prada seeks to be differentiated. The brand believes that there could be no limit to a man’s imagination, leading to the emancipation of actual product that suits the need to be updated with the latest trends in fashion designs. Now that exactly what makes this brand cool. For Prada, variety is necessary, but the bottom line of it comes with the idea of the culture of fashion, creativity, prestige, and innovation. Combining these ideas produces a cool fashion with luxury and elegance, exactly what Prada has done for years. ...â€Å"The Prada brand targets an international customer base that is modern, sophisticated, attuned to stylistic innovations, and expects craftsmanship of the highest quality.†Prada also expresses the fundamental idea of exclusivity as it promotes the benefits of redefining the norms and styles and unparalleled craftsmanship. These promote essential values that are actually unique to Prada, making it remarkably cool from the subjective standpoint of someone else. What might have made Prada one of the coolest brands in Europe is its ability to produce something essential that is new at the right time, exactly when there are prevailing needs for it. Something cool from this point of view is the ability to create latest and fresh innovation that has yet to explore the prevailing market needs. Prada is good at doing this stuff and which is a vital activity that it masters through time. Prada may exactly be the coolest brand in the fashion industry today, but that never stops then to grow more from there. The brand has now become one of the respected brands and benchmark for fashion around the world. Why wait for long? Try Prada today, for your need of a cool fashion with an edge and a touch of luxury and elegance.Â
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