Monday, May 11, 2020
The Problem Of Global Population Aging - 1438 Words
We are living in the global society where our families are our major support. Our population is growing. We have already get used that people have few or many siblings or cousins and big families are not rare. However, it is unlikely to last long. The fact is that the number of youth among the global population is decreasing. Moreover, it did not start to decrease recently. As stated in the â€Å"Demography Is Not Destiny: The Challenges and Opportunities of Global Population Aging†the proportion between the young people and seniors has started to change since 1950s and is still changing now. It is predicted that in next forty years older people will become â€Å"more numerous than children†. (Uhlenberg 1) Those changes in the structure may have a negative impact on both societies and economies. It may be hard for people to adapt to an â€Å"updated†society as it changes so fast that they may not be ready to face it. (Lutz, Sanderson, Scherbov 2) It is predicte d that by the end of this century people of age 80 will outnumber other age categories. (Geohive) It means that the number of people younger than 80 will either decrease or remain same. It is hard to predict the exact changes, but I feel like this is unlikely to happen. I think governments will somehow find a way to increase fertility. They may provide some benefits to families that raise more than two children, such as free or inexpensive houses and less taxation. It may help to support families, especially families with lowShow MoreRelatedThe Decline Of The Twentieth Century1156 Words  | 5 Pages 1. Introduction One of the major medical achievements of the twentieth century was the dramatic increase in the average global life expectancy. In 1950, the global median age was 23.6 years; by the year 2000, it rose to 26.4 – a gain of three years. 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